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  1. Keithmaj

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    When my IB/ Tahoe was tagged as "In Production" on my Lucid online Dashboard, it seemed as though it was stuck there forever. As I previously mentioned in this Forum, from a customer perspective it would be nice if the Lucid Production Dashboard had finer granularity to give us insight into...
  2. Keithmaj

    CONTEST: Create my personalized license plate: There is beer involved.

    Do you want us to post ideas or message them to you?
  3. Keithmaj

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    My COO for my Touring lists the hp at 620... sounds like your COO might be for a GT?
  4. Keithmaj

    EA Charging Problems

    I just picked up my AT last Friday and it's in the detailer's shop for a wrap and tint. Was wondering about all the comments regarding using the Lucid App to identify the EA station as part of authentication. I'm not seeing any of these type of options in my Lucid App, just the EA Plan...
  5. Keithmaj


    Yep, not sure what the correct terminology is for all the sections of the car. Looks great, thanks!
  6. Keithmaj


    Thanks for posting as I'm considering doing the same. Did you go with a gloss or matte finish on the blackout? Did you also blackout the piece going across the top between the canopy and rear window?
  7. Keithmaj

    Dead Pedal crunch

    Just received my Black/Tahoe last week and in general we're loving it! I did notice when getting into the car I put my left foot on the dead pedal area of the left side of the footwell to help me slide in. When doing so, I hear a crunching or crinkling sound and actually feel that area of the...
  8. Keithmaj

    Test drive - plano,TX

    I had the same pre-determined route situation at the Plano Studio. That being said, I picked up our AT on 12/30 from the Plano Studio but didn't drive on Legacy. Most of our driving so far has been highway driving where the driving experience has been phenomenal! Our 19" wheels have been...
  9. Keithmaj

    Tidal login issue

    Same for me...
  10. Keithmaj

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Also, please forward me the video on the secret handshake!
  11. Keithmaj

    Top Gear's review of Lucid Air

    Just picked up my AT on Friday and have been spending "too much time" in the garage setting everything up. Only problem I am having is getting the free Tidal subscription set up. It prompts me for the code and the app seems to be operational and displays music options, but when I select...
  12. Keithmaj

    ALL TEXAS OWNERS (or future owners) please post on this thread

    Just picked up our new AT last night from the Plano Studio! In all the excitement, I forgot to ask about TX registration. Were the Lucid folks suppose to give me some documentation for this or does it get mailed to me later?
  13. Keithmaj

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Well it finally happened! We picked up our Black / Tahoe this evening at the Plano Studio. Everything went well but will have to take a closer look at the exterior tomorrow in the daylight. Big thanks to my DA Faraz, and the folks in the Houston Service Center who managed to turn the car in...
  14. Keithmaj

    Bugs and System Validation

    You have hit the nail on the head! System integration design and test is critical for complex systems. I hope Lucid has taken a page out of the aerospace industry and has been conducting Failures Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA), Worst Case Circuit Analysis (WCCA), and Sneak...
  15. Keithmaj

    Charge to 100% for road trip?

    I haven't yet picked up my Black / Tahoe so I'm not 100% familiar with the charging cables and adapters that come with the Lucid. Thought I read one Lucid could charge another in a pinch... What would be the needed connectors to have one Air resuscitate another?
  16. Keithmaj

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    We should be taking deliver at Houston tomorrow. How did things go? Any insider info we should be looking for?
  17. Keithmaj

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Well I'm happy to say my DA Faraz has worked his magic! On Monday he contacted me to let me know my Black / Tahoe had finally completed Production. Today he let me know our AT has made it to Houston and is in line for PDI and Detailing. We were in Houston for the holiday and stopped by the...
  18. Keithmaj

    Credit Union need a like window sticker..can someone here take a pic for me

    My guess is your finance institution is wanting to determine equivalent value. You can also contact your DA and request a Purchase Agreement Final Price Sheet specific to your vehicle. It's itemized for your configuration and can be generated prior to signing your PA.