Search results

  1. Keithmaj

    Electrify America is enraging EV owners

    Recent reading that I have done says 60% to 80% of EV owners charge at home, plus you have a growing number of L2 chargers at businesses all of which lessen the need for DCFC. Also need to factor in an owner’s usage regimen on frequency of daily usage versus road-tripping…
  2. Keithmaj

    Scheduled Maintenance

    Have you met my wife?
  3. Keithmaj

    Mobile key for 2nd driver

    Does anyone know an easy way to copy the garage opener and gate opener "keys" to the second Mobile Key? Don't really want to manually go through all set-ups again...
  4. Keithmaj

    What is your Lucid Air software improvement wish list?

    ➡️ Surveillance mode ➡️ Dash-cam option ➡️ Display SOC and remaining range same time ➡️ Replicate home-link between users ➡️ Display Navigation and Music Source simultaneously ➡️ Instantaneous efficiency graph on dashboard ➡️ Valet mode for glove compartment access ➡️ Offer divider net in frunk
  5. Keithmaj

    First Road Trip

    Well that explains why it works! Thanks!
  6. Keithmaj

    Release Version Megathread

    I'm still treading water on 2.0.71... What surprises me is I was on the phone with CS a week ago getting guidance on some other issues when I asked whether the 2.1.x updates were still going out or whether they were on hold. My CS rep said he thought they were still being sent out and he...
  7. Keithmaj

    First Road Trip

    Interesting the level 2 charger at the PA College of Technology included Tesla chargers with a J1772 plug. More interesting that it worked. I ran into a similar situation at the Guest House at Graceland hotel in Memphis while traveling a few weeks ago. Plug Share said they had several Tesla...
  8. Keithmaj

    Electrify America is enraging EV owners

    FYI, we were able to successfully charge twice at the EA chargers in Athens, AL a few weeks ago.
  9. Keithmaj

    Lucid Air Sunshade, Glass Canopy — Now Available

    I found them to be very easy and quick to install and retrieve. The only "challenge" might be doing the twisting maneuver to compress the back shade into a smaller footprint to fit in the bag. I too give them two thumbs up on looks and efficiency!
  10. Keithmaj

    Share your best pic!

  11. Keithmaj

    Lucid Air Sunshade, Glass Canopy — Now Available

    Any idea how they are mounted? The description references 20 clips, but the picture looks clean. Wonder how "easy" they are to install and remove...
  12. Keithmaj

    My Road Trip Experiences

    We just back from doing 1500 mile road trip in our AT on 19" wheels, doing a roundtrip from east TX to Huntsville, AL. The weather was consistently in the high 90's and sunny. While it was hard to do, I used the ACC to pretty much drive the speed limit, usually 70 or 75 mph. I did have one...
  13. Keithmaj

    Highway Assist

    You can toggle off the eye monitoring in your settings...
  14. Keithmaj

    Animal reactions

    We have a lot of deer in our area, and given they are "protected" and run free they often cross the roads while grazing. My take is they aren't hearing our Lucid and are not paying attention to us as an on-coming vehicle. I've had to honk or stop to give them the right of way....
  15. Keithmaj

    ALL TEXAS OWNERS (or future owners) please post on this thread

    My sticker in Franklin County was also only one year. Didn't know why it wasn't two years and I didn't notice until after I put the sticker on the windshield....
  16. Keithmaj

    DFW Area Lucid Tinting

    I didn’t have any problems getting in touch. Believe their office manager Morgan had moved on to another job so they could be short handed. Jovani seemed quite responsive so I expect reach back to you soon.
  17. Keithmaj

    Best reactions to your Air

    Driving home mid afternoon this week, I ended up having to take a different route through a residential area to avoid a traffic problem on a major highway. I was a bit peeved when I realized I was in a school zone while elementary kids were letting out. There was actually a police officer...
  18. Keithmaj

    DFW Area Lucid Tinting

    We used XPel Dallas, and Jovani and his team did an excellent job! We're very happy with the results...
  19. Keithmaj

    I hadn't planned on it, but I'll look into it. Legally since this paper would be published in...

    I hadn't planned on it, but I'll look into it. Legally since this paper would be published in the online Xplore database from IEEE, they own all rights for publishing. Guess I could certainly post a synopsis of the paper in this Forum and share a copy of the paper if requested... FYI, I'm not...
  20. Keithmaj

    Rude Rivian Driver Charging

    So I pull into the EA in Royce City, TX planning on juicing up on one of their two 350kw chargers…. Unfortunately this Rivian truck has managed to take up both the 350 chargers! At least the 150kw was zipping along for me…