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  1. borski

    Dream Edition aiyoooo!

    Apparently it’s rolling out. For some folks, a DE is now available on the website. I suspect it’s making its way through the global caches.
  2. borski

    Firmware Updates in Germany

    @Bobby lives in California, and manages on his own, so we don’t see the European updates! @Bobby - any interest in making an EU timeline? Or rather leave it for someone else?
  3. borski

    Hi from San Diego

    Ask service to ensure the front speaker TSC and TSB have been applied, and to double check that the flag for your vehicle is set to say that the TSC has been applied as well. Also, make sure you’re on 2.6.0. If all of that is the case, you may need your hearing checked; I say this without...
  4. borski

    Not a winter car?

    It is highly recommended to turn regen off in the snow.
  5. borski

    "Announced CEO transition..." Rawlinson out as CEO

    Reminder: the stock price going up is not the goal.
  6. borski

    "Announced CEO transition..." Rawlinson out as CEO

    Yup. I agree that the next few months will be very interesting, and likely elucidating. (No pun intended)
  7. borski

    "Announced CEO transition..." Rawlinson out as CEO

    You’re missing the point. Of course a for-profit company needs to make a profit to be successful; that’s just a basic fact. Nobody is questioning that, and stating that as if that’s the issue at hand is a strawman. The question isn’t about if, but about when. Plenty of companies make no profit...
  8. borski

    "Announced CEO transition..." Rawlinson out as CEO

    Saudis won’t pull the plug. This is likely driven by the PIF wanting to see some scale, and Lucid is still a huge piece of their strategy. The sunk cost fallacy doesn’t apply very much here, since it’s more than just a sunk cost; they’ve invested in the preeminent technology winner in EVs, and...
  9. borski

    "Announced CEO transition..." Rawlinson out as CEO

    Required reading for a useful conversation on this thread, imho:
  10. borski

    "Announced CEO transition..." Rawlinson out as CEO

    Precisely. Couldn’t have said it better myself. Decades of intimately seeing boards operate close-up tells me this is what likely happened. But it’s just speculation, to be clear. Don’t trade on anything anyone says here. None of us know shit.
  11. borski

    "Announced CEO transition..." Rawlinson out as CEO

    My suspicion, which is pure speculation, is that the Gravity delay was the final straw, and that he was asked to step into purely a technical role. My guess is he didn’t want to do that, because he sees this as his baby, and rightfully so (from his perspective). He is a CEO who runs in...
  12. borski

    Confusing credit card charge for free charging

    Precisely. This thread should be dead now, as this is precisely what is happening. No charges are getting posted.
  13. borski

    Comfort & Convenience Package or 20-way Ventilated Seats?

    Massaging seats are way more worth it than the heated steering wheel. Buy gloves :p
  14. borski

    Confusing credit card charge for free charging

    Can you post a screenshot of that section of the statement? I find it mind boggling that it would *post* and get refunded but I’m willing to be corrected! Haha
  15. borski

    Confusing credit card charge for free charging

    What?! I have a BofA card too; it’s my highest limit card. Can you post a screenshot of that part of the statement? It should definitely not be getting posted and refunded. If it is, that’s a problem.
  16. borski

    Confusing credit card charge for free charging

    You're right, it does count against your credit limit temporarily, for the days during which they are pending. If it ever becomes a problem, you can always call your credit card company and: 1) Ask them to temporarily increase your credit limit (though, honestly, just use a different card) 2)...
  17. borski

    Confusing credit card charge for free charging

    This depends on your bank, their bank, the credit card processor, and so on.
  18. borski

    Confusing credit card charge for free charging

    Hang on - are these pending charges or posted charges? If pending, they bear no relevance other than decreasing your credit limit by $50 for a few days. They are simply authorizations. You did not get a "refund" for the $50, but rather the authorization / pending charge simply dropped off your...
  19. borski

    Long time EV owner looking at Gravity

    I now have it on good authority this is not true, and is a misunderstanding. Drive Assist is geo-fenced to certain classes of roads, as has always been the case (highways, etc.). This is what people seem to mean by “pre-mapped,” but that is not the right term for it. Since 2.4.0, Lucid has used...