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  1. hydbob

    Some measurements from the Vegas cars.

  2. hydbob

    Can you haul a 4'x8' sheet of drywall?

    I should make this a new post
  3. hydbob

    Can you haul a 4'x8' sheet of drywall?

    From my buddy in Vegas...
  4. hydbob

    Donut Lab 2025 CES In-Wheel Drive Unit: 845 HP and 88 pounds. any implications, learnings, etc for Lucid?

    Wasn't Peter asked about hub motors in an interview one time and he explained why they are bad for normal cars?
  5. hydbob

    Beyond the Charging Curve: What Are Your Real-World DCFC Speeds?

    True, but I definitely don't have as much information as they do regarding charging. I assume they are being conservative for a reason.
  6. hydbob

    Beyond the Charging Curve: What Are Your Real-World DCFC Speeds?

    True but then the next step is really to use the mi/kWh comparison to get the mi/min added which some reviewers use. Then the argument is that's not real life blah blah then it'll turn back into an argument about EPA again. Circular argument all over again.
  7. hydbob

    Beyond the Charging Curve: What Are Your Real-World DCFC Speeds?

    Not really I just wanted the comparisons to be useful because using % never has been.
  8. hydbob

    Feedback on seeing Gravity in Vegas

    Just curious, did you test out the R1S or EV9?
  9. hydbob

    Beyond the Charging Curve: What Are Your Real-World DCFC Speeds?

    All these comparisons need to stop using SOC% and use kWh added instead. SOC comparisons only work if the pack sizes are the same.
  10. hydbob

    3 Gravities at Milbrae Studio: 2 "VIP customer cars" being prepped for delivery!

    Those are all cars that were not yet revealed or expected to be delivered within a few months per the company. It would be similar if they took orders at reveal a year ago but they didn't. That's why it's not the same.
  11. hydbob

    Winter Weather/Snow/Ice Best Practices?

    You can push it in pretty far. Definitely enjoy to break any ice that formed overnight unless it's super thick
  12. hydbob

    What’s your estimate - Gravity volume for 2025

    Where did they get that data from?
  13. hydbob

    Gravity Orders Discussion

    Nah. Having the first vehicle manufacturing plants in the Kingdom makes it a low chance, IMO, they let Lucid go under. Everyone talks about cash burn being so much, but forget that cash burn is from getting 2 factories online. PIF knew ahead of time the cash required and the timeline. This...
  14. hydbob

    Fog inside the camera casing

  15. hydbob

    4000 miles, tire blew up

    Based off your pic, looks like you hit something due to the damage on your rim where the hole is.