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  1. hydbob

    No more Tesla, welcome Lucid!

    Sorry, Eagles fans not allowed in this community. Grats!
  2. hydbob

    Gravity Orders Discussion

    That's also how you end up packing 10 suitcases for an overnight stay. 🤣
  3. hydbob

    The Future of Cars EP 2 a good way or bad way? Also, SG didn't think to get the sign off first?
  4. hydbob

    OTA Update 2.6.0

    The sound is crisp again without the high end distortion. It's between the old and the new. Perfect!
  5. hydbob

    Redesigned Gravity web page

    Wow between you and HMP you guys should have studied the Zapruder film...
  6. hydbob

    Gravity Orders Discussion

    compare vehicles page
  7. hydbob

    The Future of Cars EP 2

    hmmm wonder why the took this video down...
  8. hydbob

    Open letter to Lucid after 7 months of ownership

    Obviously your experience has not been great while others are having next to no issues. The same is true of Rivian. Not sure why you are on a mission to prove that Lucid is the sole manufacturer with bad software when it's been proven time and time again it's not the case.
  9. hydbob

    Front seat back covers

    This is what I use But it's not available. Similar product is this one
  10. hydbob

    Out of Spec Podcast on Gravity Charging Performance

    I THINK V1/V2 Superchargers use CHaDemo as a protocol. All new cars, yes even Teslas, use the CCS protocol for communication which is why all the non-Tesla cars who can use the SC network can only use V3 and above. Someone will correct me I'm sure
  11. hydbob

    Gear shift fell off..

    I'm with Rogue here, the plastic was clearly broken and didn't just fall off.
  12. hydbob

    Electrify America charging free?

    Yes to be clear, there are two versions of this email. 1) For those of us who are already past our free charging time, it asks for a CC to cover charging AND idle fees 2) for those who still have free charging available, it asks for a CC to cover Idle Fees. Doesn't seem all that complicated...
  13. hydbob

    Electrify America charging free?

    Well if it wasn't included in your docs, then you got 5 months of free charging! Count that as a plus.
  14. hydbob

    Electrify America charging free?

    then don't add it. And give up the month of free charging.
  15. hydbob

    End of Road to Gravity. It’s time for Gravity on Road!!!

    No it's more like a cul-de-sac
  16. hydbob

    Why is No One Talking About All of the Improvements to the 2025 GT?!?

    because you stated it was a minor variable but it is not. It is a major drain on the battery in Lucid's case.
  17. hydbob

    Why is No One Talking About All of the Improvements to the 2025 GT?!?

    It's not minimal. Lucid turns on preconditioning to drain the batteries for any HV pack repairs...
  18. hydbob

    Kids and gear for Gravity

    I've done 2 front facing and 1 rear facing in the Air just fine. I was using the Graco 4ever-in-1 and the Chico whatever with the detachable carrier at the time.