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  1. hydbob

    To the owners attending the showcase event this week

  2. hydbob

    Gravity Orders Discussion

    Without having an exact quote, I wouldn't put too much MORE thought into it, as besides that 1 article, nothing else has been found to support he even said as such.
  3. hydbob

    Cars and Software

    Sorry I misinterpreted your post as a waking up (unlocking) issue. Try turning the wifi off on your car and see if that helps.
  4. hydbob

    Cars and Software

    We've known for a while that Pixel phones are very aggressive at closing background apps. Iphone should be working fine. Have you gone through all of @Bobby tips and tricks? Unpairing and repairing after an update is necessary for some folks.
  5. hydbob

    Cars and Software

    If you keep getting that message are you sure it is?
  6. hydbob

    Gravity Orders Discussion

    No matter what you think Lucid is stuck now with NACS for the foreseeable future. We've had many pages going back and forth on this topic, let's not rehash it.
  7. hydbob

    Car in drive = my garage won't close

    It's the LiDAar messing with your sensors. You can put a little cap over the sensor and it'll stop it from happening.
  8. hydbob

    EA Megathread

    Maybe that's why deliveries have been vague...
  9. hydbob

    EA Megathread

    187 miles each way? Seems like you could have done this trip without charging no?
  10. hydbob

    New 2025 Air Touring Owner in Charlotte Area

    exactly why would a road hazard be covered by the car manufacturer?
  11. hydbob

    Any update on end of year big ADAS update?

    Honestly they've knocked off most of the stuff or at least have released something working towards improving almost everything
  12. hydbob

    Vampire Drain Analysis

    No it's about 1%/week or more. But only for temperate weather. I was gone for 3 weeks and lost 2% in my garaged car in SoCal.
  13. hydbob

    Beyond the Charging Curve: What Are Your Real-World DCFC Speeds?

    I love how when it comes to charging everyone's anecdotal data is gospel even though there are other experiences which differ but are dismissed as one offs...
  14. hydbob

    First pre-production Gravity reviews are coming in

    So go buy a Range Rover Sport. Choices are great!
  15. hydbob

    Gravity [Grand Touring] Reservations Tracker

    As far as I understand it, every company needs to be approved separately for the hands free stuff, which makes complete sense to me.
  16. hydbob

    First pre-production Gravity reviews are coming in

    Because people from the inception of Lucid have wanted them to fail and will never have anything good to say about the company or its products.
  17. hydbob

    Savagegeese Series on Gravity

    Curb rash assist is one of those features. Also no customer VINs have been delivered yet.
  18. hydbob

    Savagegeese Series on Gravity

    Can we not turn this into the 1,000,000th thread about Tesla...again.