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  1. J

    UX 2.5 OTA Update

    Just received the fix and SSP sounds much better to me. Well done Lucid!
  2. J

    UX 2.5 OTA Update

    Would you go back by removing the tape? I like my SSP now and wondering if I should skip the tape fix.
  3. J

    2.4.0 / 2.4.2 / 2.4.3 / 2.4.4 OTA

    2023 touring. Got it a couple of days ago and tried HA for the first time today. I am loving the updates in this release. The Lane change assist worked very well and the surround view is a step in the right direction. I hope Lucid can add rear view in the future implementation. Overall...
  4. J

    Newbie from New Jersey

    Welcome! i only encountered other Lucid in north jersey a few times in 1.5 years of ownership.
  5. J

    Wind noise

    Post in thread '[RESOLVED] Does your front footwell woofer work properly?' Pretty simple to do and makes a huge difference.
  6. J

    Wind noise

    I had the same problem. There is a solution posted in this forum that you can do yourself. Made a huge difference. Bass is a lot stronger now and don’t need to crank up the volume.
  7. J

    Windshield Glare

    I thought about using felt strip to cover the orange stitching when I bought the car over a year ago. It really bothered me the first month or so but I barely notice it now. When it does show up during sunny days, I just put on my polarized sunglasses and they are gone.
  8. J

    Anyone has a solution for the dash reflection on windshield?

    I almost didn’t buy it because of the reflection. After over a year of ownership, I don’t really notice it anymore. You just get used to it and I often dont even wear polarized sunglasses.
  9. J

    Vampire Drain

    I turned off the lucid app Bluetooth and then put away the key in a faraday box. Vampire drain was reduced significantly.
  10. J

    Lucid Forcing Me to Pay Extra $2,500

    I personally think it is worth the upgrade. I enjoy the 360 view.
  11. J

    Where are the updates!?

    Do you know why it’s on hold?
  12. J

    Vampire Drain Analysis

    30 days of vacation! Awesome life.
  13. J

    Chargepoint Home Flex unit issues maybe solved

    Good to know. Will contact chargepoint.
  14. J

    New Member from NJ.

    yes. From NJ.
  15. J

    Chargepoint Home Flex unit issues maybe solved

    I have the same issue. The car charges fine but if I keep the charger plugged in after charging to 80% then at some point the red light comes on and I need to reset the breaker. I haven’t been able to keep the charger plugged in. It may be a coincidence but this issue started after the...
  16. J

    Lucid Air Touring Wind/Vibrating noise when driving

    What was done to fix the noise?
  17. J

    Anyone has a solution for the dash reflection on windshield?

    Polarized sunglasses is your answer. It used to bother me a lot but I got used to it. It may come back to me now that I red this post.
  18. J

    Hello from North NJ

    I saw 3 other lucids at garden state plaza in January. Since then, I haven’t seen any on the road.
  19. J

    Hello from North NJ

    You have more mileage than me although I got my AT in December.