Search results

  1. M

    Trip Report - Seattle to Phoenix

    It's interesting... pretty much every time I've seen another Lucid on the road, I've waved. I've never noticed a return wave.
  2. M

    Seattle Area

    I missed it. I'd have been in!
  3. M

    "Hey Lucid" voice

    The "Hey Lucid" voice sounds like what I would expect Marvin the paranoid android's sister would sound like. Hope this changes.
  4. M

    Trip Report - Seattle to Phoenix

    No. I'm a quantum gray touring. You can most frequently find me in the Met Market parking lot. :) I had a 2 Lucidy day on Sunday. I saw a Pure in Bellevue and another in Bellingham.
  5. M

    Trip Report - Seattle to Phoenix

    Hope you had a good stay here in Sammamish. Funny thing. One day this summer, my kid came home from a walk and showed me a picture of a Lucid they'd seen. I took one look and said... "pretty sure that's Buffalo Bob". My kid, at first, thought I was nuts.
  6. M

    Dear Lucid, please improve the limited regenerative braking notification

    Yep. I have that update. I couldn't tell a difference from what I normally see. Maybe it's there, but it's pretty subtle and when I'm slowing down in heavy traffic subtle doesn't work well for me as I want to keep my eyes on the cars in front of me. I appreciate that they've done something...
  7. M

    Dear Lucid, please improve the limited regenerative braking notification

    Dear Lucid, Thank you for implementing the reduced regenerative braking notification, but I think it still needs some work. In advance of a road trip last weekend, I charged my car to 100%. As I was backing out of my garage, I received the notification that regenerative braking would be...
  8. M

    Scheduled charging unreliable

    I use the Lucid Home Charger and I periodically get into a state where scheduled charging doesn't work (actually just texted a local support person about it this morning). The workaround provided to me by Lucid that solves the issue for a while is to change the scheduled time to a time in the...
  9. M

    Software update 2.3.0

    Cross traffic protection saved my bacon this weekend. I was backing out from a spot and, due to a van being next to me, couldn't see well to my right. The cross traffic protection alerted and then stopped my vehicle as someone came flying through the parking lot. I appreciate that Lucid is...
  10. M


    Thx. I'll check that. Maybe it got changed somehow.
  11. M


    Did you try pressing the mic button on the steering wheel? The other day, I was trying to use Alexa and I found that I had to press the mic button. I swore that previously I could just say "Hey Alexa" but decided that maybe I was remembering incorrectly.
  12. M

    New GT owner in Seattle

    Welcome, Seb!
  13. M

    Any mobile detailing recommendations for Redmond, WA area?

    I'm looking to get my wife's Q7 spruced up. Any recommendations for a mobile detailer who does good work? We live in Sammamish, so need someone who does work on the Eastside. Thx -Michael
  14. M

    Lucid All Weather Mats - How to clean them?

    I'll give it a try. Thank you.
  15. M

    Lucid All Weather Mats - How to clean them?

    Anyone with the Lucid All Weather floor mats have tips for cleaning them? I have the graphite color and they look sort of brown from dirt. I've tried Giot's Interior cleaner, but that didn't do much. Anyone have a cleaner they'd recommend for this?
  16. M

    Looking for Seattle Area Lucid Owner for Test Drive

    Wow! I did my test drive in the summer of 2022. I had no idea the about the new law. That totally sucks.
  17. M

    Looking for Seattle Area Lucid Owner for Test Drive

    I'm a bit confused. I did a test drive at the Lucid studio at U Village here in Seattle before purchasing my Air Touring.
  18. M

    Subtle seat "thunk"

    Regen, I've had a discussion with CS already. It does seem temperature dependent. My state of charge is always 80%. There have been times when it's pretty much zero regen. It hasn't always been this way. Something is wrong and it's dangerous. Whine/hum, you might be right, but worth...
  19. M

    Subtle seat "thunk"

    I'm due for my one year service so need to call them. I have a list: - Seat thunk - creaky steering wheel - creak from the rear when car twists (backing off a curb, etc...) - inconsistency with regenerative breaking - broken airfoil in front of driver's side front wheel - electronic whine/hum...
  20. M

    Subtle seat "thunk"

    I don't think so. It can happen multiple times in the space of a few minutes... and I don't necessarily have seat ventilation on.