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  1. GearHead

    Getting close

    I just received notice my car is in production and I have been assigned a vin. Super excited! Pete
  2. GearHead

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Same here for my red/Tahoe. No email or DA contact, just showed a new dashboard page on the website with the info. Joe - update me with vin assigned 12-9 Thanks! Pete
  3. GearHead

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Congratulations! Which software version was loaded when it delivered? Pete
  4. GearHead

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Ditto. Button, red/tahoe and no vin info yet.
  5. GearHead

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    I think Lucid gave us the "should have it by the end of the year" spiel to keep us on the hook and not bail over the income tax credit. Now they can push the AGT's that are in inventory for delivery by the end of the year. I feel a bit played by this rhetoric. Pete
  6. GearHead

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    I heard the same about the timing but was not informed of any production delays. I've mostly resigned myself that I won't get the car until January. Pete
  7. GearHead

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Talked to my DA today. He told me they did indeed "pre-build" some silver and white Tourings and they would be delivering those soon. I asked if they were batching colors and he said yes. He thought Red/Santa Cruz cars could be this year, but my Red/Tahoe might fall into January. Apparently...
  8. GearHead

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Congratulations! Did you also have a Grand Touring reserved with the old price or did they convert your Touring reservation to Grand Touring keeping the old price? I think a few of us would give consideration to the later. Pete
  9. GearHead

    Winter tires

    I think flat spotting has generally been exaggerated. I suggest asking the tire manufacturer for their recommendation. My guess is it would take several months before becoming a concern. Pete
  10. GearHead

    Alexa - Massive cuts and huge loss in revenue

    Alexa seems rather entrenched for it to just go away Pete .
  11. GearHead

    Hunting wild Lucid Airs

    Maybe less noticed, but I bet you'll still get a lot of lookie-loo's. Pete
  12. GearHead

    New Member

  13. GearHead

    Please critique my piece in Barron's

    I agree. Just don't subscribe to Barron's! Pete
  14. GearHead

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Add me to the list of confused buyers. I had to go to the website to find the link to finalize my order. No email from Lucid on that. No DA contact since then even though I've emailed him twice after getting his name from my SA. A call or email sure would be quite welcome at this point. Pete
  15. GearHead

    Coefficient of Drag for Touring & Pure..... What does this mean?

    It's still an indicator of aerodynamic efficiency and one of the few factors an engineer can control. My only point was to be careful in saying the Lucid has less drag than Brand X. Unless they both have the same frontal area, that may or may not be true. Pete
  16. GearHead

    Coefficient of Drag for Touring & Pure..... What does this mean?

    Bear in mind that in determining the total drag of an object the coefficient of drag (CD) is only part of the formula. Total drag requires, among other factors, accounting for the frontal area as well. A Formula 1 car has a CD around .7 but will have much less total drag than a Lucid Air! In...
  17. GearHead

    Metal vs Glass roof

    The external metal would be thinner than glass, but there is most likely some webbing stiffener framework, an interior shell of some sort, and a headliner. It could total to be about an inch thick. Lucid could have made the roof "taller" by an inch to compensate? Pete
  18. GearHead

    Lucid super thin paint, problem?

    I've seen the video and heard the comments but believe me this has nothing to do with the quality of the coating system. I worked in the coatings industry for 38 years. Some of the highest quality coating systems available are very thin films. There is a huge amount of chemistry that dictates...
  19. GearHead

    Finalizing My Order

    Why so? I traded emails with her yesterday and she never mentioned any glass top issues.
  20. GearHead

    Finalizing My Order

    You are fortunate. Many of us have been waiting since 2021 to finalize our orders! I hope you see delivery quickly.