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  1. sk8ndad

    Walmart Opening it own charging network

    Their chargers looked an awful lot like EA chargers, maybe they'll just continue their relationship.
  2. sk8ndad

    Lucid Customer Service

    ICE cars are significantly more likely to burn than electric:,fires%20per%20100%2C000%20sales%20respectively.
  3. sk8ndad

    My first EA charging experience

    On Sunday, my wife and I drove from Santa Clara to Redding and back (~500 miles). Used the Lucid App to find EA stations at lunch and dinner. Worked like a champ. At lunch there was a bit of a wait(maybe 5 minutes). Later this month we’re off to AZ.
  4. sk8ndad

    Share your best pic!

    Picture at work today. The building/module behind the car is the home of Aitken, NASA's largest supercomputer.
  5. sk8ndad

    All CarPlay apps work EXCEPT Apple Music

    Sometimes with the iPhone, the sound gets turned down when going into car play. You have to turn the volume up on the phone in that case...
  6. sk8ndad

    1300 Mile San Diego to Sonoma road trip

    That is a beautiful car. I'm planning a road trip from the bay area to Arizona next month. Hope to have as much success as you did. Where do you go to find out mi/KW?
  7. sk8ndad

    Screen flashing with a dozen various error messages!!!

    Hmmm, I would look to see if any of the electronics you have with you are causing the problem.
  8. sk8ndad

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Pure

    The car defaults to smooth which is the setting used during EPA testing (my understanding) so I don't think they can provide it as an option (could be wrong).
  9. sk8ndad

    Greetings from NYC

    I love the choice you are thinking about. I love mine!
  10. sk8ndad

    SiriusXM seemed to break internet connectivity... sorta

    I saw that problem on Tuesday...
  11. sk8ndad

    Zenith Red Air Touring in Bay Area

    When I was charging at the Westfield Valley Fair look what appeared, two zenith red 1 Touring and 1 Grand Touring :)
  12. sk8ndad

    CarPlay is here! - Megathread

    If he uses google calendar it will go to google maps. I doubt Apple will ever have their products default to Google ;-)
  13. sk8ndad

    Scary! But I finally tried it! AUTO-PARK!

    There were no other cars, but a curb on the left and a line on the right. It had close to two feet on the left and was over the line on the right.
  14. sk8ndad

    Scary! But I finally tried it! AUTO-PARK!

    I tried it today and it did very poorly. It was over the line on the right side and did not pull in the space far enough, so the nose was hanging out of the space...keep working on it Lucid...
  15. sk8ndad

    CarPlay is here! - Megathread

    Well, I’m at BWI but I updated my car in Santa Clara from my hotel in Greenbelt this morning 😎
  16. sk8ndad

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Is there a place to look at the updated Touring tracker?
  17. sk8ndad

    Elon drove me to Lucid

    Tesla did not make the type of car I was interested in, so they weren't in the running. Mercedes and BMW were.
  18. sk8ndad

    CarPlay is here! - Megathread

    It will take a bit, be patient folks. Think how happy you’ll be on your Sunday drive 😎