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  1. Rossb2k

    Prices dropped again

    Could always do a lease as a bit of a hedge. If the value of the car tanks you'd still be able to give it back at the end of the lease instead of being on the hook for loss of value.
  2. Rossb2k

    FEATURE Lucid Financial Services portal

    I probably had the site at one point and forgot.. but the (old) site and this thread are the top results on google for lucid financial services portal - so hopefully the next poor soul gets redirected to the right spot..
  3. Rossb2k

    FEATURE Lucid Financial Services portal

    New one works for me, thank you!
  4. Rossb2k

    FEATURE Lucid Financial Services portal

    Has the portal been down for everyone the last few days? Site won't load... did it move somewhere and I forgot?
  5. Rossb2k

    Prices dropped again

    I was in the same boat, though not really in the market for a 110k car. I had a Tesla that was getting older and would be going out of warranty in the next 6 months. I had known of Lucid but they were out of my price range. Then I saw the leasing deals and it was too good to pass up. My monthly...
  6. Rossb2k

    RESOLVED Help needed for Navigation problem

    Stupid question, you've tried doing a soft reset by holding down the lucid logo right?
  7. Rossb2k

    Regenerative braking

    Never a bad idea to have service take a look, especially if its inconsitent. I will say that a lot of it depends on the temperature. You say its 50-58, but if you left the car out overnight and it dips into the 30s it can take time for the battery to warm up and enable full regen. Really just...
  8. Rossb2k

    Lease Discounts for inventory or Demo cars possible?

    It does not apply to leases. It says cash or loan only. If you do the loan calculator for a lease there is a 7500 discount, but that is the "plug in electric vehicle savings" which is not new.
  9. Rossb2k

    I hope owing is better than ordering

    Your delivery advisor is honestly the one who should be holding your hand right up until you take delivery - I would keep calling/emailing them if you need help. I bought mine a month ago and I got the impression the delivery advisors were very busy so be the squeaky wheel...
  10. Rossb2k

    Surreal sound basic

    Yes, for sure. I just had a service tech come by and asked him if it was normal and he basically said it was since I didn't have the SSPro system. Personally I can live with it but I can see why people who are heavy music listeners would be disappointed.
  11. Rossb2k

    Surreal sound basic

    Setting the equalizer to +6/0/-1 made it sound decent enough for me. I think my biggest issue was that it doesn't sound like a true "surround" system - with fewer speakers, there isn't much output coming from behind you. That said, after a month of ownership I think it sounds fine. I ask...
  12. Rossb2k

    Video Describing Locking and Unlocking Options

    Speaking as someone who just recently switched from Android to iPhone in the last few days, the Android app is way worse at waking up the car. Even when set to never sleep, I routinely had to open the Lucid app on the Android before it would unlock the car. With the iPhone its much better, but...
  13. Rossb2k

    Get excited - What’s coming soon for your Lucid

    It gives me hope that Lucid will be one of the first in line to get Carplay 2.0. I would love to be able to customize the dashboard and what information is presented to me.
  14. Rossb2k

    Regenerative braking

    I do wish there was some kind of indicator when power/regen is reduced because of SoC or weather. I live in the North East, in the winter months my Tesla would indicate on the power/regen radial how much was unavailable until the battery warmed up. Hopefully Lucid implements something similiar...
  15. Rossb2k

    New Owner in NC

    Welcome. I picked up my Air Pure a few weeks ago. Left my Model S that I had for 5 years. It's a change but love the car!
  16. Rossb2k

    Front Camera Expanded View - Very Handy!

    How do you do that, only DDPro I'm guessing?
  17. Rossb2k

    RESOLVED Lucid App showing wrong EA station

    This functionality is already built in, when you start the navigation app (pull it down to the center panel display if needed) and select "charging" under search. It'll show stations around you, and available stations if applicable. You can filter this list to show EA chargers with xxxkw...
  18. Rossb2k

    LUCID EV Home charger installation quotes pricey?

    I had 100 amp service before I had a charger installed and it was about $3k to replace the panel and hook up the charger (I paid for the charger separately). If they have to replace a panel and upgrade your service that sounds like a fair quote. If its just hardwiring a charger or installing a...
  19. Rossb2k


    Why do you assume it won't be upgradeable? My 2014 Tesla came with 3G, and it took a 1 hour service appointment to get it upgraded to 4G when 3G became obsolete. Why would Lucid be any different?