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  1. chipcaldwell

    Florida - Recommended Body Shop for Collision Repair

    Would you recommend the repair shop you used? USAA is steering me towards Windermere in Winter Park.
  2. chipcaldwell

    Anyone attest Empire PPF in Orlando?

    Has anyone used Empire in Orlando? They are recommending Suntek, but I've only heard of XPEL. They are also suggesting Evolve for window tint.
  3. chipcaldwell

    Car protection products - PPF etc.

    Anyone attest to Suntek PPF?
  4. chipcaldwell

    Full PPF questions

    Anyone attest to Suntek PPF?
  5. chipcaldwell

    Empire in Orlando Ok for PPF & tint?

    Any recommendations on Empire in Orlando for full PPF & tinting?
  6. chipcaldwell

    Will EA be the death of EVs?

    My record with EA is running less than 75%. Yesterday, it went to 5 chargers at Valdosta Walmart before one worked.
  7. chipcaldwell

    Lucid-EA connection failure?

    All the time. I mean, ALL THE TIME. Yesterday between Atlanta and Jacksonville, I stopped at the Valdosta GA station. "Charging Stopped" on 4 stations. With only 1 station to left, it charged. If it had not charged, Lucid would have had to tow me AGAIN (that would make 3 times).
  8. chipcaldwell

    Comments = 2 hrs 35 min to charge 158 miles & 0.85 kW/driven mile vs. 0.28 standard

    It was charging on a Level 3 Fast Charger at FL Lucid Service Center. Started at 201 mile range & charged 158 miles over 2 hr 35 minutes.
  9. chipcaldwell

    Comments = 2 hrs 35 min to charge 158 miles & 0.85 kW/driven mile vs. 0.28 standard

    First, I want to thank all who have commented on my continuing problems. I now have more data & would be interested in your thoughts. Note: I have a GT w/ 21" wheels & live in FL @ avg temp 70 degrees. SO -- * Problem 1: In charging 158 miles, 1.01 miles per minute on Level 3 Fast Charger vs...
  10. chipcaldwell

    Battery charge still leaking 45% even after 45 days at West Palm Service Center with NO activity to repair

    Update: Lucid West Palm Beach Service Center Manager & a regional maintenance person called me Friday morning (12.30.22) and stated that they fixed the first problem, not charging, but could not find any low M/kW issues. I asked if it was unreasonable before I accepted delivery if I requested...
  11. chipcaldwell

    Battery charge still leaking 45% even after 45 days at West Palm Service Center with NO activity to repair

    You didn't know that I live in florida. Even with the cold snap we didn't get below freezing. So weather isn't the variable causing me to lose 45% efficiency. At full charge it shows I'm getting 3.6 m/kW but over 170 mi the average is 2.6, which suggests that over time the efficiency must be...
  12. chipcaldwell

    Battery charge still leaking 45% even after 45 days at West Palm Service Center with NO activity to repair

    Exactly. That proves that while idol it is only losing a few kilowatt hours. Therefore the problem is not normal. It is losing 45% efficiency while being driven. That is, it starts out with a full charge at around 3.6 m/kW, but after 170 MI the average is 2.6 m/kW. So that during that 170 MI the...
  13. chipcaldwell

    Battery charge still leaking 45% even after 45 days at West Palm Service Center with NO activity to repair

    It also occurs for me to ask this question. Is it possible that at 80% charge it begins at 3.6 m/kW, but as the car is being driven it's efficiency drops 45% settling in at the 2.6 average you record with your math? If the efficiency is radically dropping, what could be the cause?
  14. chipcaldwell

    Battery charge still leaking 45% even after 45 days at West Palm Service Center with NO activity to repair

    Yes, the screen captures show that as the car has remained undriven at 5062 odometer since December 3rd that the loss is two to three miles per dat.
  15. chipcaldwell

    Battery charge still leaking 45% even after 45 days at West Palm Service Center with NO activity to repair

    Thanks for the math, Sandvinsd. The way your math worked the problem is that I'm only getting 2.6 m/kW vs. 3.2. But that's only 23% off, not 45% off. Any idea how to account for the missing 22% loss? And, thanks so much. Lucid can't even express the problem so you've helped me better articulate...
  16. chipcaldwell

    Battery charge still leaking 45% even after 45 days at West Palm Service Center with NO activity to repair

    Leaking 45% kWh. So, on a full 80% charge to 388 mile range & planning to drive to 20%, or 310 miles, my battery charge leaks 447 kWh, providing only 170 actual miles instead of 310 miles. (at my statistical 3.2 m/kW). FYI, I live in Florida. I have a log of 12 data points over almost 2 months...
  17. chipcaldwell

    Battery charge still leaking 45% even after 45 days at West Palm Service Center with NO activity to repair

    After ruminating, I think I figured out the issue that I reported in a previous post. It seems that many were relying on the miles per kW as a key metric, which caused me to realize that that is exactly the key metric. So here's what's happening in my GT. After collecting 12 data points over 2...
  18. chipcaldwell

    Chevy Bolt Efficiency Compared to Lucid

    After 5062 miles, I'm averaging 3.1 and live in Florida and drive "old man mode". But then again, mine has been on the West Palm shop for a month with battery and failure to hold a charge.
  19. chipcaldwell

    Advice - Only getting 55% range & Lucid hasn't fixed after 4 weeks in West Palm Service Center

    I'm really sorry that I strongly disagree with your opinion. Miles per kilowatt is one metric and it is remain relatively constant at about 3.2. however, if the battery will not hold a charge there by crippling the car at a Max of 150 mi range, the miles per kilowatt isn't irrelevant Factor...