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  1. Steve181

    BEWARE of Misleading Sales Specialists

    Same experience on my 2025 Pure delivered 2 weeks ago. Upon car delivery I asked about the charger, and was given the $1000 coupon. I ordered their $650 charger (about the same as the $125 Amazon I had ordered 2 days earlier). The lucid charger came about 5 days later, and I returned the Amazon...
  2. Steve181

    RESOLVED How do you enter SiriusXM station numbers?

    Thanks. I had the same question. I will try also.
  3. Steve181

    Current delivery timelines

    1- I wonder if that includes amortizing the design inverstment? 2- If they do not, how much do the lose or make per car? ... ie sales price - (labor + current overhead + materials)? Blue - We basically said the same thing at the same time.
  4. Steve181

    Air 2025 - Misc. Questions From A Newbie

    I have had my 2025 Air for 2 weeks now and have figured things out at a rate that now exceeds my rate of discovering them. Here are some nagging questions I cant find answers for in the manual: 1 - How can I set a loud beep for the blind spot alarm? 2 - When I use the touchscren the audio...
  5. Steve181

    Current delivery timelines

    Blue: Yes Enjoying, but still learning how to use all the buttons and screens. P.S. - I used to live in Monmouth County NJ and worked at Bell Labs in Holmdel NJ
  6. Steve181

    Current delivery timelines

    I ordered a plain white Air Pur with no options on Aug, 30, 2024. My SA indicated 3 - 4 months for delivery. A month or so later she sent me my VIN number. It was delivered to my driveway by a third party enclosed truck at 8 AM on Sunday Nov 10, 2024.
  7. Steve181

    OK We Got V2V charging...any plans for V2L?

    Weight under 15 pounds, cost under $100 on Amazon. This also usually stays in 1 place and doesnt have to be moved. I hope it will not be needed and that Lucid can provide 110 V, like Hyundi does.
  8. Steve181

    OK We Got V2V charging...any plans for V2L?

    That is an interesting theory. I would still buy it, since LED lights that can run at 240V should be easy to get from Europe. Also, a simple transformer or other convertor (of the right wattage) can convert to 120V.
  9. Steve181

    OK We Got V2V charging...any plans for V2L?

    That may be correct. A good place to shave costs is to remove the electronic glove box lock and just do it the normal way. My Tesla neighbor has the same thought about her glovebox. Some $ and complexity could also be shaved from the power door for charging. That being said, I'll bet there is a...
  10. Steve181

    OK We Got V2V charging...any plans for V2L?

    I undertsand that V2H is more complex than V2L due to the need for a transfer switch, breaker connection, larger power flows, etc. That being said, I would love to undertsand exactly what is holding up the much easier V2L. Up to 1800 W in a dark house would be wonderful. Are there any Lucid...
  11. Steve181

    OK We Got V2V charging...any plans for V2L?

    I dont believe its a conspiricy. Its their business and they can run it as they want. BUT, it would be nice if they openend up their planning and priority process a bit to encourage their fan base.
  12. Steve181

    OK We Got V2V charging...any plans for V2L?

    I used my $1000 charger credit to buy a $650 110v Lucid mobile charger. I had to spend $17 out of pocket to ship it. It does not even have hole or mounting plate to mount or string it up. I also had to spend $6.99 on Amazon to get a J1772 cap for the plug to keep the bugs out. I think a $125...
  13. Steve181

    OK We Got V2V charging...any plans for V2L?

    I agree with your comment. Why is V2L so slow to arrive?? At Ioniq's prices it should be an easy sale. Where do they plan the 900 V DC to 110 VAC inverter function - In the wunderbox or the external adapter?
  14. Steve181

    OK We Got V2V charging...any plans for V2L?

    NEED V2L I note that for $100 - $250 (for Hyundi branded unit) the ICONIQ can provide 15 amps of V2L. That would be a super important feature for Lucid, especially for folks who dont have a Generac out back. Why is availability of this feature so slow??
  15. Steve181

    Let's play armchair CMO

    Thanks. Very interesting!! I think the Natick (Mass.) Mall has both. Perhaps there is another equivalent spot.
  16. Steve181

    Let's play armchair CMO

    A coincidence: Just yesterday I was pondering why some of my new Pure's control systems seemed to behave so strangely to me (a long time Android and Windows user). For example, my near term goal is to get the music player to do what I want. I think it might be the California design/Apple...
  17. Steve181

    Let's play armchair CMO

    I forgot the safety aspect - 5 star ratings - protect you family. Volvo used to do that.
  18. Steve181

    Let's play armchair CMO

    Great!! I'm an engineer, and bought for the superior technology. I would change: "Our products are expensive now, but the technology that gives them their incredible power, range, handling, room, and style has been especially developed for more popularly-priced cars that are coming your way...
  19. Steve181

    NEW Wiring Harness Recall - Recent Air Pure

    I jut saw this on another site: Lucid said the original rear drive unit subframe wiring harness length design was "inadvertently shortened.” A documentation change resulted in the company ordering the wrong length wiring harnesses, the company said in the recall report published by the National...
  20. Steve181

    Engineering question (because I really don't get this)

    I have an MSEE, but on the Celebrity Apex, we couldnt figure out how to turn off all our room lights. It turns out it was on what we thought was only a thermostat! I have had my Lucid Air Pure RWD a week now, and I have only figured out about 30-40% of the controls. And that is after watching...