Recent content by Rogue

  1. R

    mi/$ not that great in CA for EVs?

    This. I tell folks all the time. I could drive the Lucid like a Prius and be more cost efficient when gas exceeds $2.50 for about 10¢ a kWh. Or... I could drive it like the hyper performance car that it is with an ~30% efficiency penalty. That still smokes a Corvette C8 fully loaded performance...
  2. R

    Lucid CEO teases mid-size in development

    Lucid is certainly a full size based on interior space. I believe the categories come from internal dimensions vs external dimensions. However, I would need to find where I read that.
  3. R

    For Sale 2022 Lucid Air GT-P + Accessories

    No, the car has not been sold. All items are still available and have not been sold separately.
  4. R

    Gear shift fell off..

    Reserve Hulk strength for a time of need. That would have been my explanation. Probably best I'm not a PR person.
  5. R

    Charging changed from "Unlimited" to "Free up to 1,000 kWh

    Mine is unlimited. I have definitely blown through 1000+ kWh. See attached. That roughly equates to 3-4k miles of range each year with that limit.
  6. R

    OTA Update 2.6.0

    Primarily a back seat improvement to my ears where your head doesn't feel this odd pressure. I suspect bass will not ever go back to 2.5.0 days unless adjusted via EQ settings. I believe this ultimately results in slightly less bass response/presence at the same 0-0-0 setting. Then the steps...
  7. R

    Considering Used 2022 Lucid Air GT... Qs about performance

    Just some notes. There is reduced power when cold (already mentioned), loss in traction reduces power delivery (slower ramp-up), and launch mode gives the best off the line times (sprint mode, press the brake, press the accelerator, wait for the bear, release the brake). I don't care what the...
  8. R

    Lucid Motors in Canada

    This is straightforward... You explain it to them. No need for a circus act. You tell the kids how you got to point A to point B, the finances, the dice rolls, the setbacks, and the windfalls. Context is everything.
  9. R

    Shady Jacksonville Dealership - GT Performance

    Apologies. I did not mean to cause an uproar. 100% believe you. Just didn't see it on the site for yours or others. I know some folks are hunting for the GT-Ps. Hopefully they see this thread and the nice price.
  10. R

    Shady Jacksonville Dealership - GT Performance

    The new does not even allow filtering for the GT-P. Demos and pre-owned do, but there is nothing available. Either someone bought it, or this was a mistake on the website. The pricing appears to be the fully loaded GT vs a GT-P.
  11. R

    OTA Update 2.6.0

    Finished up with tuning the system to taste for the audio. 0-0-0 across the board works great, an adjustment from -2-0-0. Boominess that makes it feel like your head is under pressure in the back seats is gone for even the most bass heavy tracks I could find with Dua Lipa...
  12. R

    Air GT vs GT Performance

    GT-P is not produced anymore. You can use the search function to find many threads discussing the differences.
  13. R

    Lucid Motors in Canada

    Lucid won't ever be a Honda, Toyota, Hyundai, etc. We will have to wait for the mid size vehicles to hit the $40-60k range. That's where those individuals sit that I referred to earlier (middle aged men and nearing retirement men), not the $70-100k range. Bankers and software engineers exhibit...
  14. R

    Lucid Motors in Canada

    You can look at the US market as an example. Sit in a Porsche or Mercedes optioned similarly to the Lucid and compare the price. One of the first things I noticed with Porsche is that you are paying a premium for the same features. At one job, there was an ongoing pissing contest between the...
  15. R

    OTA Update 2.6.0

    Those were the salty tears I was looking for. For people with the audio enhancements, would you gauge it as the old clarity with enhanced bass? Is it something else entirely like a true mix of old and new? Best of both worlds?