Recent content by Lvr

  1. Lvr

    SiriusXM requires frequent reboots: normal?

    You have to activate your Sirius Radio ID with Sirius in order for it to work in the Lucid application. I had the same issue as I have Sirius in my other car (BMW) but that is satellite radio as opposed to internet radio which is our Lucid. Shoot me a message and I will be more than happy to...
  2. Lvr

    2.4.0 / 2.4.2 / 2.4.3 / 2.4.4 OTA

    I also had the 2.4.2 when it first came out I had small issues with Lucid Assist & Highway assist. This morning I had the new update 2.4.3 pop up, installed it then I had to drive north on I-95 in South Florida, where IMO you have some of the most aggressive drivers on the planet, used Highway...
  3. Lvr

    Lucid Air Sunshade, Glass Canopy — Now Available

    I just installed mine yesterday and I’m quite happy with the way they fit. Actually it’s a fairly snug fit.
  4. Lvr

    Where are the updates!?

    Just received v 2.0.71, a quick 5 minute update
  5. Lvr

    Hi there, I’m having issues with scheduled charging and my FPL EVolution Charger/Juicebox is...

    Hi there, I’m having issues with scheduled charging and my FPL EVolution Charger/Juicebox is there a phone number that I can you a call on? I’ve been going back and forth with customer service and it seems to be going nowhere. Thanks, Luis
  6. Lvr

    2.0.61 ?

    I’m installing 2.0.61 as I type. Update is 40 minutes long.
  7. Lvr

    RESOLVED Notifications

    Sign out of the app then re-login
  8. Lvr

    CarPlay is here! - Megathread

    I just got off the phone with customer service and was told the OTA 2.0.57 is currently being deployed in batches of 100 and to give it up to 48 hours to receive
  9. Lvr

    Great video explaining charging

    well worth the watch
  10. Lvr

    New cars being offered at old price?

    On the Lucid Motors website today. It appears that the Lucid AGT is advertised back to $138k
  11. Lvr


    Do you get this message when your charger is set on a schedule on when to charge your Lucid? I get this error all the time and I just ignore. I believe you are getting this message because your Lucid is looking for the charge and there is no charge because of the set-up schedule on the charger...
  12. Lvr


    Installing 2.0.47 now 50 minute update
  13. Lvr

    Use the Steering Wheel Media Controls

    Oh well, I tried pressing steering wheel buttons, 3, 4, and 5 to reset with no luck. I’ll wait till they come out with a hopefully quick fix. Thanks again for your help.
  14. Lvr

    Use the Steering Wheel Media Controls

    Is this considered a soft reset? Any negatives to this procedure that you are aware of and might this also restore the SiriusXM that I only had for 1 day. Your help is greatly appreciated.
  15. Lvr

    Use the Steering Wheel Media Controls

    I know the buttons 4 & 5 where is the button 6 Attachments EB3C5176-8AAA-4BB6-81BC-464999BB54A1.png 3.8 MB · Views: 0 F8922781-1A51-4111-83F3-A71990F92819.png 3.7 MB · Views: 0