Recent content by LucidSSS

  1. L

    2.4.0 / 2.4.2 / 2.4.3 / 2.4.4 OTA

    How does the Waze navigation appear on the cockpit now for turn by turn? I’m updated and had Waze on yesterday but nothing appeared in the cockpit. Do I need to select something to enable that?
  2. L

    No fault fender bender at $15k

    Just to close the loop on this: 1) total cost for repair was $15k for a bunker replacement. The insurance company of the person who hit me paid for it 2) going back and forth from insurance company and body shop was a pain. They didn’t talk to one another and required contestant follow up. My...
  3. L

    No fault fender bender at $15k

    Can I ask did this method make it look brand new again? The shop quoted is a total bumper replacement with also replacement of the light that’s damaged I would be ok with going that route but only if the results restored my car.
  4. L

    No fault fender bender at $15k

    I have one other lucid shop by me (hour and change) I can seek a second opinion… I can’t see it being 15k, but also can’t see it being $700 either…
  5. L

    No fault fender bender at $15k

    From a certified Lucid shop?
  6. L

    No fault fender bender at $15k

    New York Good point thanks
  7. L

    No fault fender bender at $15k

    I realize there’s not too many posts about collision and experience with insurance yet so I’m posting my story and ask for advice for those that have gone through this. In December I bought my Lucid Air Touring. In February a lady backed into it while my car was parked while I was in a...
  8. L

    PSA: Use a referral code

    Hmmm…I placed my order last week and did not get asked a name
  9. L

    PSA: Use a referral code

    I used one last week when I placed my AT order!! 1000$ off by using a referral code.
  10. L

    Studio pick up discount?

    Hi all, I recently placed an order for an AT and am scheduled to pick up on Saturday. I have a question about a credit that appeared on my initial Proforma invoice for a 1000$ “Studio Pick Up Discount.” On my final papers for signing it’s disappeared. I asked my DA about it and he said said it’s...
  11. L

    Referral Program Introduced

    I know, I’ve stalked your pics and was a big inspiration for me to decide. I’d be happy to use your code for a referral - I’m wondering if you can DM me (I don’t think it’s auto set up for new members?) so I can ask a couple questions? Thanks so much!
  12. L

    Referral Program Introduced

    Hello, new member (and previous lurker) here! I just placed a deposit for a stellar white AT with 19 inch wheels, Santa Cruz, glass canopy and DDP/SSP. So excited to take delivery in less than 2 weeks! I’d love a referral code from this forum - everyone is very knowledgeable and as Lucid...