Recent content by lcidson

  1. L

    New Ad Campaign

    I found this article:
  2. L

    2.4.0 / 2.4.2 / 2.4.3 / 2.4.4 OTA

    I got my AT the same time as you and was notified early this morning to update. Process went smoothly. Blinker sounds were muted when I first used the car but an air logo reset took care of it.
  3. L

    Help! Drove Over a Curb. Advice Appreciated

    When I got my wheels refinished they glued the loose pieces back for me.
  4. L

    Referral code request

    Awesome! Welcome to the forum. What exterior/interior combo are you thinking of getting? Feel free to use my code, not near the max yet: NB3K323Q I wonder why they'd only let you enter it once 🤔
  5. L

    Referral needed

    Feel free to use mine! What trim are you getting? Referral code: NB3K323Q
  6. L

    Here Maps Got Me Again

    Happened to me twice last week as well. Wish it would at least alert me it didn't know where the restaurant was.
  7. L

    Referral Code

    Welcome! Feel free to use my referral code: NB3K323Q
  8. L

    Need a referral code.

    Awesome! What trim are you looking to get? Feel free to use my code: NB3K323Q
  9. L

    Referral code request

    Awesome! I love my air. Feel free to use my code: NB3K323Q
  10. L


    Great choice, I love my touring! Feel free to use my referral code: NB3K323Q
  11. L

    Looking for a referral code

    Welcome! Excited for you! Feel free to use my code: NB3K323Q
  12. L

    Referral code

    Welcome to the lucid fam! Feel free to use mine! What trim are you reserving? code: NB3K323
  13. L

    Referral requested

    Welcome! What trim did you order? Feel free to use my code: Referral code: NB3K323Q
  14. L

    referral code

    Welcome to the Lucid family! What trim did you reserve? If you're still in need of a code, feel free to use my code: NB3K323Q
  15. L

    Referral code and leasing a demo

    Any luck with trying to lease a demo? Feel free to use my code if you haven't already. Code: NB3K323Q