Recent content by JoshG

  1. J

    Why is No One Talking About All of the Improvements to the 2025 GT?!?

    The title of this thread implies that all these neat changes are only for the Grand Touring at this point? Does anyone know if they're now being implemented on Touring and/or Pure?
  2. J

    3 Gravities at Milbrae Studio: 2 "VIP customer cars" being prepped for delivery!

    yeah, wow... good catch! I'm betting these first few VIP customer deliveries either got the benefit of things not yet being finalized as their cars got made, or they were given additional flexibility on getting what they really wanted. I forgot to say that I DID ask the local team if they had...
  3. J

    3 Gravities at Milbrae Studio: 2 "VIP customer cars" being prepped for delivery!

    I actually do. Wasn't sure if it was cool to post that. Curious though... what would it tell you, or how would seeing it be helpful?
  4. J

    Cool new key fob for Gravity... hopefully for Air too? (pics)

    I thought the same thing at first... they looked incomprehensible! Then i figured it out. turn the pic or your head sideways. they'll make sense then. for real. they're designed to be viewed when holding the fob vertically, not the way i photographed them or posted the pics. here, i'll fix it:
  5. J

    Cool new key fob for Gravity... hopefully for Air too? (pics)

    Yes they’re busy. But I’d take that bet. It just looks bad for them to have two different key fob quality levels for two similarly priced luxury vehicles. And ultimately, having one set of components and suppliers and instructions may make things easier on them. Not to mention stopping a...
  6. J

    Cool new key fob for Gravity... hopefully for Air too? (pics)

    Ok so retrofit unlikely. But can’t imagine they wouldn’t start using this fob on new production vehicles at some point soon.
  7. J

    Cool new key fob for Gravity... hopefully for Air too? (pics)

    Posted more about this over in the Gravity forum, but here's a few (too many) pictures of the production key fob for the Gravity... SO much nicer than the current Air fob. 4 buttons, whole thing is combination of metal and plastic, i got to hold it (in the bag) and it's significantly heftier...
  8. J

    3 Gravities at Milbrae Studio: 2 "VIP customer cars" being prepped for delivery!

    The windows did strike me as tinted super dark. Seems like it would not be legal in California, but not sure.
  9. J

    3 Gravities at Milbrae Studio: 2 "VIP customer cars" being prepped for delivery!

    That’s the preproduction one on showroom floor in the background. Pics of that one, if interested.
  10. J

    3 Gravities at Milbrae Studio: 2 "VIP customer cars" being prepped for delivery!

    The new keyfob!!! SO needed to go along with the luxury image. PLEASE let this come to the Air as well. Feels really nice, pretty heavy. They wouldn't take it out of the sealed package for me...
  11. J

    3 Gravities at Milbrae Studio: 2 "VIP customer cars" being prepped for delivery!

    Hard to see what this is, and probably a little thing no one cars about, but a sales guy came over and pointed it out, saying it was a recent change. It's a little "radar" type symbol on the B pillar that shows you where to put the keycard. meh. but posted for completeness in what i saw. Was...
  12. J

    3 Gravities at Milbrae Studio: 2 "VIP customer cars" being prepped for delivery!

    I'm not sure about that... maybe they are. The service guy just said they're soon-to-be delivered, and that they were paying customers, not press.