Recent content by Green G

  1. Green G

    CarPlay connectivity needs improvement.

    I couldn’t agree more. When people ask me whether I recommend the car, I tell them yes, for the hardware and the fun of the drive and an abject no for the software. I understand that you buy the car for what it does NOW and not for what it could do in the future as has been suggested, but...
  2. Green G

    CarPlay connectivity needs improvement.

    Yes. Tried plugging it in the front two, each side (one usb A and the other usb C, with two different cables.
  3. Green G

    CarPlay connectivity needs improvement.

    Will do. I am not sure that some of the quirks lie on Apple’s side: One of my annoyances was the continuation of music during a phone call. Now, I am not using it at all anymore and use the native Tidal app as well as phone interface. Still, I have that issue. In fact, there are now different...
  4. Green G

    CarPlay connectivity needs improvement.

    I have tried everything under the sun including a complete refresh as you suggested. No cigar.
  5. Green G

    CarPlay connectivity needs improvement.

    Mercedes announced that they’re not going to upgrade CarPlay to 2.0 in their new vehicles. I think the benefit is being questioned given the lack of integration into the total car experience. I stopped using CarPlay after a week and plug in my phone to a cable plugged into the back seat USB...
  6. Green G

    The new EQS: Looks even worse?

    Are they? Over never found Mercs to be remotely attractive cars. Frame of reference: I always liked Audis and have owned A6 and A7’s though the Etron and the Q-SUV’s are more generic designs that are bland.
  7. Green G

    The Economist article

    Good one.
  8. Green G

    The Economist article

    I agree with the above stated sentiments and I didn’t post this to annoy anyone. I find The Economist a very comprehensive magazine and very informative. That said, writing about EV’s is not their forté. It’s a magazine for data junkies and reading one of their main articles can take long time...
  9. Green G

    The Economist article

    Excerpt: As a result, many of the ev entrants lack unique selling features. The cars made by Rivian and Lucid are technologically unremarkable. Their good looks alone do not justify the hefty price tag. Rivian’s cheapest electric pickup costs around $70,000, half as much again as Ford’s f-150...
  10. Green G

    The Economist article

    Interesting article. Not exactly upbeat but insightful read nevertheless. Think Tesla is in trouble? Pity even more its wannabe EV rivals (You've been given free access to this article from The Economist as a gift. You can open the link five times within seven days...
  11. Green G

    NAH Saudis are dissing on us.

    You think their CarPlay works better?
  12. Green G

    Phone call unintelligible

    Which is what you’d expect, right? I was merely querying the collective knowledge in this forum on whether someone else had this problem and if there were any solutions.
  13. Green G

    Phone call unintelligible

    After fighting that battle where music wouldn’t stop with incoming calls, I have disabled CarPlay. It would be unfortunate to think that CarPlay would be a solution to a glitch in the native UX. Did you have this problem too?
  14. Green G

    Phone call unintelligible

    As the mp4 isn’t playing either, here’s a link to my Google drive.