Recent content by GearHead

  1. GearHead

    SURVEY: HV Battery Replacement

    Thanks. I was curious as I have a touring manufactured 12-2022 as yours. No issues with the battery but I'm only at 16,290 miles.
  2. GearHead

    SURVEY: HV Battery Replacement

    How many miles were on the car when the problem arose? Pete
  3. GearHead

    Hunting wild Lucid Airs

    Great to see and hear. Keep on keeping on! Best color too. Pete
  4. GearHead

    Butt warmer problems

    I had this exact issue. Seat bottom would come on but then shut itself off after 3 or 4 minutes. I could not turn it on again until the car slept. Would reliably fail every day. The fix required replacing the seat at the Service Center. Pete
  5. GearHead

    How will service work when I live hundreds of miles from nearest Service Center (and other questions)?

    I live in KC as well and have had my Air Touring for a bit over two years. While its not as convenient as a dealership down the street, service for me has been a non-issue. 1) Lucid paid for airline tickets for me and my son to pick up the car and even sent an Uber to the airport to take us to...
  6. GearHead

    Cold weather battery tips

    I just accepted that what I found is how the car behaves and there doesn't seem to be a way around it. Sometimes I'll wake the car in the morning and let it start the topping off charging. Then I'll remotely set the interior climate control to on. I assume the two simultaneous actions will warm...
  7. GearHead

    UX 2.5 OTA Update

    I had the service rep come to my home and install the tape fix. He then plugged in his computer and set the flag in the software to activate the new feature. He even showed me as he did it, the old flag being AU1 and new flag being AU3. He said the new setting fully activates the amplifier. My...
  8. GearHead

    Pretty in Zenith Red (Pics)

    Ground level view:
  9. GearHead

    Red dirt/dust dripping from trunk after wash

    Great description, "drippiest"! I too have hand washed my cars for years and have found the Air to be the hardest to wring out dry. Still, its a nice trade for the beauty of it!
  10. GearHead

    Share your best pic!

    Nice photo. I couldn't resist doing something similar a year ago. 1909 Buick:
  11. GearHead

    OTA Update 2.1.64

    I mistakenly thought this thread was about an update to the cars software.
  12. GearHead

    What amperage is your home charger?

    Sorry I missed listing 40 amps. I don't seem to be able to edit the survey at this point. Pete
  13. GearHead

    Picking up Air Pure tomorrow. What should I know?

    For anyone interested in following this charging discussion, I created and posted a poll. Pete
  14. GearHead

    What amperage is your home charger?

    Just curious how most people are configured on their home charger. I'm on a 50 amp line for two reasons. It was the most I could get from my panel without a major and expensive upgrade. It charges plenty fast for me. Even if I drive locally a couple hundred miles, I can charge back to 80% in...
  15. GearHead

    Picking up Air Pure tomorrow. What should I know?

    I understood the point and perhaps most reading this thread did. But the OP, as a self proclaimed newbie, might not have. I just thought the responses were not well worded. My EVSE is on a 50 amp line. We could debate the number of others configured that way or even the need for more than 50...