Recent content by DennisIS

  1. D

    If leasing is not available, would you cancel your Gravity order?

    New EVs (anyone's) decline in value fast - technology is moving and the car you just got isn't. Let the leasing company deal with trying to get residual value from the next guy. 3 years is a along time in "EV Lives." At least for me, the leasing math for my 2025 Air GT made the decision to...
  2. D

    Lucid Audio Experience AMA (March 11, 2025)

    Is there consideration of including hall acoustic models? Making the interior behave like the acoustics a "a jazz club", etc.? What's happening regarding streaming audio stability/recovering from network dropout spots? (Example: Spotify and Sirius (that I use continuously) will stop/sometime...
  3. D

    Software Wishlist for 2025

    This is a terrific idea - an organized way to try to get Lucid management attention on a focused list of bugs and future features from current owners/users. I tad hard to pick and choose which items from prior posts to "support" in a message board. It would be AMAZING if Lucid set up a place to...
  4. D

    New "Weirdness" with 2.6.2 - Random audio announcements in German

    It happens randomly. I can try to just record full time to capture...
  5. D

    New "Weirdness" with 2.6.2 - Random audio announcements in German

    Pretty sure that's not the case. If I say "Hey Lucid" or push the steering wheel button, I consistently get the little window at the bottom of the pilot panel and "listening".
  6. D

    Not a winter car?

    I put 4 snows on my 2025 AGT. I have solid confidence in winter handling. Just had it out in a freezing rain storm - got coated with ice. I did have to push the door handle to break it free. Ground clearance is low - but not all that much different from my S6 or M5. None of these cars is a snow...
  7. D

    New "Weirdness" with 2.6.2 - Random audio announcements in German

    I did both reboots. No change. It's not my phone - nothing on it is in german and it happens when my phone is not connected.
  8. D

    New "Weirdness" with 2.6.2 - Random audio announcements in German

    I do have Hey Lucid on - and that works just fine - or as fine as its limited functionality and language model works. Navigation (Take me to...) is spotty - often have to ask twice. Using it to change car settings doesn't seem to work...
  9. D

    New "Weirdness" with 2.6.2 - Random audio announcements in German

    Since the 2.6.2 update, my 2025 AGT has suddenly started randomly making audio announcements of some kind in German. I don't speak German - no idea what is being said but I'm very sure it's German. Happens whether I'm in NAV or not - and I have NAV audio off. No real pattern. Happened twice in...
  10. D

    Entry quirks/bugs since 2.6.0

    With 2.6.2, the previously reliable heater steering wheel is now very flakey. Comes on/goes immediately off. I have done both reboots, turned driver's side HVAC AUTO off and it comes back. Lasts one drive/park. Then it is back to useless. Might be connected to using the app to warm up the...
  11. D

    Entry quirks/bugs since 2.6.0

    New bug: Heated steering wheel doesn't turn on. Indicator lights then immediately turns off.. I tried both the logo reset and the two button/brake reset. No help. By accident, I turned off AUTO on HVAC driver side. Then it worked.
  12. D

    Tuxmat Help Needed

    I pulled the carpet mats out. Not enough space air both in all the corners.
  13. D

    Tuxmat Help Needed

    I have a 2025 GT and Tuxmats. You are correct - they don't click lock. They do stay put/do not slip around. They come with clips that are supposed to clip the outside edges to the car - but I have not seen the need/taken the time.
  14. D

    RESOLVED How to edit the list of locations on the Pilot Panel HOME screen?

    Thanks!! That works. No way to "edit" anywhere is a bit of a surprise since it's such a prominent screen - but now the random charging stations 4 states away that I had looked up don't greet me every time I hop in! Happy holidays!
  15. D

    RESOLVED How to edit the list of locations on the Pilot Panel HOME screen?

    Update: I have checked every map app on my IOS devices/the Lucid App, etc.... None still have any of the locations that show up on my "HOME" display/right side of the Glass cockpit panel shown as "sent from phone". Not in the onboard "recent searches" when I use the Nav app... These also...