Search results

  1. D

    If leasing is not available, would you cancel your Gravity order?

    New EVs (anyone's) decline in value fast - technology is moving and the car you just got isn't. Let the leasing company deal with trying to get residual value from the next guy. 3 years is a along time in "EV Lives." At least for me, the leasing math for my 2025 Air GT made the decision to...
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    Lucid Audio Experience AMA (March 11, 2025)

    Is there consideration of including hall acoustic models? Making the interior behave like the acoustics a "a jazz club", etc.? What's happening regarding streaming audio stability/recovering from network dropout spots? (Example: Spotify and Sirius (that I use continuously) will stop/sometime...
  3. D

    Software Wishlist for 2025

    This is a terrific idea - an organized way to try to get Lucid management attention on a focused list of bugs and future features from current owners/users. I tad hard to pick and choose which items from prior posts to "support" in a message board. It would be AMAZING if Lucid set up a place to...
  4. D

    New "Weirdness" with 2.6.2 - Random audio announcements in German

    It happens randomly. I can try to just record full time to capture...
  5. D

    New "Weirdness" with 2.6.2 - Random audio announcements in German

    Pretty sure that's not the case. If I say "Hey Lucid" or push the steering wheel button, I consistently get the little window at the bottom of the pilot panel and "listening".
  6. D

    Not a winter car?

    I put 4 snows on my 2025 AGT. I have solid confidence in winter handling. Just had it out in a freezing rain storm - got coated with ice. I did have to push the door handle to break it free. Ground clearance is low - but not all that much different from my S6 or M5. None of these cars is a snow...
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    New "Weirdness" with 2.6.2 - Random audio announcements in German

    I did both reboots. No change. It's not my phone - nothing on it is in german and it happens when my phone is not connected.
  8. D

    New "Weirdness" with 2.6.2 - Random audio announcements in German

    I do have Hey Lucid on - and that works just fine - or as fine as its limited functionality and language model works. Navigation (Take me to...) is spotty - often have to ask twice. Using it to change car settings doesn't seem to work...
  9. D

    New "Weirdness" with 2.6.2 - Random audio announcements in German

    Since the 2.6.2 update, my 2025 AGT has suddenly started randomly making audio announcements of some kind in German. I don't speak German - no idea what is being said but I'm very sure it's German. Happens whether I'm in NAV or not - and I have NAV audio off. No real pattern. Happened twice in...
  10. D

    Entry quirks/bugs since 2.6.0

    With 2.6.2, the previously reliable heater steering wheel is now very flakey. Comes on/goes immediately off. I have done both reboots, turned driver's side HVAC AUTO off and it comes back. Lasts one drive/park. Then it is back to useless. Might be connected to using the app to warm up the...
  11. D

    Entry quirks/bugs since 2.6.0

    New bug: Heated steering wheel doesn't turn on. Indicator lights then immediately turns off.. I tried both the logo reset and the two button/brake reset. No help. By accident, I turned off AUTO on HVAC driver side. Then it worked.
  12. D

    Tuxmat Help Needed

    I pulled the carpet mats out. Not enough space air both in all the corners.
  13. D

    Tuxmat Help Needed

    I have a 2025 GT and Tuxmats. You are correct - they don't click lock. They do stay put/do not slip around. They come with clips that are supposed to clip the outside edges to the car - but I have not seen the need/taken the time.
  14. D

    RESOLVED How to edit the list of locations on the Pilot Panel HOME screen?

    Thanks!! That works. No way to "edit" anywhere is a bit of a surprise since it's such a prominent screen - but now the random charging stations 4 states away that I had looked up don't greet me every time I hop in! Happy holidays!
  15. D

    RESOLVED How to edit the list of locations on the Pilot Panel HOME screen?

    Update: I have checked every map app on my IOS devices/the Lucid App, etc.... None still have any of the locations that show up on my "HOME" display/right side of the Glass cockpit panel shown as "sent from phone". Not in the onboard "recent searches" when I use the Nav app... These also...
  16. D

    RESOLVED How to edit the list of locations on the Pilot Panel HOME screen?

    I will try again - but pretty sure that one just offers Work and Home.
  17. D

    RESOLVED How to edit the list of locations on the Pilot Panel HOME screen?

    When in "Home", there's a list of destinations - Home, Work, then a list of destinations "sent from my phone" Is there a way to edit/delete those "sent from my phone" places? I have hunted "everywhere".... I did search the Forums... didn't find a way... Thanks!
  18. D

    Issues with my car

    Broadly, I agree with this post. Where I don't: 1. The myriad of "intermittently it does. (pick an anomaly)..." problems adds up to a big quality issue - in many ways similar to the rattles and squeaks of new US cars when the Japanese and Germans taught them a lesson in "quality matters...
  19. D

    Nervous new Lucid AT owner

    Get in and drive. Your Lucid will sell itself over again every time you do. Yes, there are bugs that Lucid must fix. The rate of over the air updates is encouraging.
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    Issues with my car

    Respectfully: I do not believe "this post should be deleted" or "it's the work product of a 'bot." (....Neither were my first posts here -- which also drew "be nicer here" comments.) Lucid seriously needs to LISTEN to posts like this one. Lucid should not be aspiring to be the darling brand of...