Recent content by beardad

  1. B

    How do you all play music?

    Thanks. Kind of what I figured. I'm Android so I suppose I'm SOL for now (would have been nice to delay removing Alexa). On the plus side my kids love to ask Hey Lucid to play a song and see what random thing it will play instead (usually something explicit).
  2. B

    How do you all play music?

    I really feel like I'm missing something fundamental. My music/entertainment listening falls roughly into these categories: Good: - Podcasts (40%) - Works fine via bluetooth and I fast-forward with the upper-right display. Bad: - Specific song/album/artist/podcast (20%) - Alexa got this right...
  3. B

    Side Damage

    Hi all, I hit a damaged curb that was jutting out at the exit of a McDonald's today. Tore a hole in the lower plastic siding on the passenger side (pictures attached). What should my first steps be to get it repaired? I'm in Houston. Thanks!
  4. B

    Favorite feature of my Lucid is...

    the Telemetry Control Module. Most car manufacturers don't put enough resources into their TCMs. Lucid bucks the trend and focuses exclusively on the TCM. As long as they keep updating the TCM every month I'm fine with trailing on less important features. I truly think that Lucid has the best...
  5. B

    Auto Park

    The ultimate challenge I face every weekday (and usually abandon unless I'm feeling optimistic): In line to parallel park to pick kids up from school. Line of cranky parents behind me. A spot opens up. I start parking mode and lurch forward. I activate my blinker to display my confidence that...