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  • Would like to make the 7am-11am meet up Oct 7.
    Hey Rick -was going to DM you but it seems your messaging option is disabled (might want to check out your profile settings).

    Looks like you are located in Las Vegas as well, correct?

    Yes, feel free to join up at the event and thanks for letting me know.
    Have you drive to Denver from Vegas? I am going to drive from the SF bay area to Vegas to Denver
    Hi Hari,

    I have not driven to Denver. I read about your big trip coming up - sounds amazing. Maybe you can make a YouTube video with highlights along the way.

    One thing you're probably already familiar with, but in case you are not... I stumbled upon this site which may be useful to your journey. Elevation has a big impact on efficiency.

    When do you expect to make it thru Las Vegas? I'm located at "6 O'clock" right off I-15, so convenient for travel to LA, but not sure if you're planning to take I-15. If you're headed my way, please let me know, maybe we can meetup to say a quick hello.

    Also, in LV my EA charging station of choice is located here:

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