3 Gravities at Milbrae Studio: 2 "VIP customer cars" being prepped for delivery!

Exactly, Imagine paying a 50k deposit for a Tesla Roadster....:oops:, Tesla is still advertising on their website....
It’s a reservation not an order.

Yes, but Lucid made such a big song and dance about why they weren't taking reservations and pre-orders for the exact reasons you point out. They said that they're going straight to orders when the car is ready to go into production and low and behold what do they do? They take the orders and then treat them like a reservation.\ pre-order scenario and go dark. Should've just stuck to the original script.

Then to add insult to injury, they do a delivery event end of December and STIL can't give you an ETA on when your order is set to go into production. not a month, not a quarter, nothing 🤷‍♂️

Funny, I noticed that as well. That trunk has been a bastard to get right in the Air and seems its going to carry over to the Gravity. It doesn't bother me but I know the "Panel Gap Police" will have a field day with it.
Just send the Panel Gap Police over to inspect a Tesla Model X. They’d have a field day with that — and Gravity is a direct competitor. I speak from experience as the owner of a super gappy 2022 Model X Plaid. Can’t wait to ditch it for a far less gappy Gravity!
I don't think the delay is that arduous. I do think they either should not have taken orders or had been clearer on the projected delivery dates. With the way the world is, a vague statement saying limited deliveries in 2024, with volume deliveries by end of 1st quarter 2025 may have worked.

That said, saying other less reputable car brands are worse is not saying much about Lucid.

Compromise nothing - you should do things better than the competition.

This is not just build a better car you need to provide a better experience. Its annoying to hear everyone saying, other OEMs treat their customers as fools so it's acceptable as long as Lucid does it to a lesser degree.
But when were they last the Ultimate Driving Machine?
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

Sad, actually. I used to love their cars.
I don't think the delay is that arduous. I do think they either should not have taken orders or had been clearer on the projected delivery dates. With the way the world is, a vague statement saying limited deliveries in 2024, with volume deliveries by end of 1st quarter 2025 may have worked.

That said, saying other less reputable car brands are worse is not saying much about Lucid.

Compromise nothing - you should do things better than the competition.

This is not just build a better car you need to provide a better experience. Its annoying to hear everyone saying, other OEMs treat their customers as fools so it's acceptable as long as Lucid does it to a lesser degree.
The CEO of the company (Peter Rawlinson) has been absolutely consistent publicly with delivery dates since late Summer of 2024 in saying (I am paraphrasing here) that they'd deliver a few by the end of 2024 to special customers, press cars and cars for the studios early in 2025 and then volume ramping up "slowly" through first quarter with increased volume thereafter and really hitting their stride in the second half of the year. What about that has Lucid not delivered on?

On a related note, if you order a new Air that has not already been built, you will be quoted 3-5 months delivery time (I know, because I was quoted just that when first researching the Air). So, why should someone who placed and order for a new Gravity on November 7th expect any different??? IMHO, until at least April 7th this year Lucid would be operating under the same pattern of delivering orders for vehicles that have not already been built as the have for some time now.
Exactly, Imagine paying a 50k deposit for a Tesla Roadster....:oops:, Tesla is still advertising on their website....
I have a friend who did one better and paid more for some kind of "special edition" of the Tesla Roadster YEARS ago...
I don't think the delay is that arduous. I do think they either should not have taken orders or had been clearer on the projected delivery dates. With the way the world is, a vague statement saying limited deliveries in 2024, with volume deliveries by end of 1st quarter 2025 may have worked.

That said, saying other less reputable car brands are worse is not saying much about Lucid.

Compromise nothing - you should do things better than the competition.

This is not just build a better car you need to provide a better experience. Its annoying to hear everyone saying, other OEMs treat their customers as fools so it's acceptable as long as Lucid does it to a lesser degree.
Its not only about whether the practices of other manufacturers justifies poor performance. It's also about what, as a purchaser, your reasonable expectations should be. (Not "you" specifically) I personally am surprised at the sense of insult felt buy some that they don't yet have a delivery date. I had no such expectations that delivery dates would be firm by now.
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It's also about what, as a purchaser, your reasonable expectations should be. (Not "you" specifically) I personally am surprised at the sense of insult felt buy some that they don't yet have a delivery date. I had no such expectations that delivery dates would be firm by now.

I don't have any sense of insult about the issue, but this order/delivery scenario has been a little strange.

First, Lucid said they were not going to take reservations for the Gravity because they did not want to deal with the inevitable timeline uncertainties. Thus they were going wait and go straight to orders once production plans were in place. I think that led a lot of potential customers to assume they would at least get an idea of a delivery window once they ordered. Indeed, removing those timeline uncertainties seemed to be the whole point of drawing a distinction between a reservation and an order. As @Blue Lectroid pointed out, when you order an Air you can also have a significant wait. That's true . . . but you nevertheless get a delivery date estimate.

Then, to further muddy the water, Lucid opened orders with a lot of unanswered questions: Why no Touring version and why a year wait for it? What would be the differences in the Touring and the Grand Touring, so that people could know whether they wanted to wait that year? (Remember that a lot of potential Gravity buyers have said they're dealing with lease expiration dates.) Why EPA range on only one configuration? Why and how long the delay on one of the colors that had already been on the show circuit for a year?

As someone who sat out a years-long wait with a reservation for an early Air and someone who ordered a Gravity as soon as orders opened, I have to admit I share the perplexity of some who cannot find the distinction Lucid attempted to draw between reserving a Gravity and ordering a Gravity.

Granted, this Gravity situation is playing out over a shorter timeline, but seeing pieces of the Gravity puzzle only drop into place since orders were opened (with some pieces yet to drop, such as the Touring setup) is very much like what happened during the reservation period for the Air.
Note the Aurora Green with Stealth trim, however Platinum wheels. That is not on the configurator. Stealth = black wheels, Platinum appearance = platinum wheels
I don't think the delay is that arduous. I do think they either should not have taken orders or had been clearer on the projected delivery dates. With the way the world is, a vague statement saying limited deliveries in 2024, with volume deliveries by end of 1st quarter 2025 may have worked.

That said, saying other less reputable car brands are worse is not saying much about Lucid.

Compromise nothing - you should do things better than the competition.

This is not just build a better car you need to provide a better experience. Its annoying to hear everyone saying, other OEMs treat their customers as fools so it's acceptable as long as Lucid does it to a lesser degree.
Yeah, but understand, Lucid is just getting started with a new model….some slack is acceptable. Just say they inform March delivery and then get delayed for some reason. I remember the delays I got with my custom ordered Jag F type,I got pissed off about the 3y month delay!
I don't have any sense of insult about the issue, but this order/delivery scenario has been a little strange.

First, Lucid said they were not going to take reservations for the Gravity because they did not want to deal with the inevitable timeline uncertainties. Thus they were going wait and go straight to orders once production plans were in place. I think that led a lot of potential customers to assume they would at least get an idea of a delivery window once they ordered. Indeed, removing those timeline uncertainties seemed to be the whole point of drawing a distinction between a reservation and an order. As @Blue Lectroid pointed out, when you order an Air you can also have a significant wait. That's true . . . but you nevertheless get a delivery date estimate.

Then, to further muddy the water, Lucid opened orders with a lot of unanswered questions: Why no Touring version and why a year wait for it? What would be the differences in the Touring and the Grand Touring, so that people could know whether they wanted to wait that year? (Remember that a lot of potential Gravity buyers have said they're dealing with lease expiration dates.) Why EPA range on only one configuration? Why and how long the delay on one of the colors that had already been on the show circuit for a year?

As someone who sat out a years-long wait with a reservation for an early Air and someone who ordered a Gravity as soon as orders opened, I have to admit I share the perplexity of some who cannot find the distinction Lucid attempted to draw between reserving a Gravity and ordering a Gravity.

Granted, this Gravity situation is playing out over a shorter timeline, but seeing pieces of the Gravity puzzle only drop into place since orders were opened (with some pieces yet to drop, such as the Touring setup) is very much like what happened during the reservation period for the Air.
I suspect they haven’t finalized touring specs, want to see response to GT orders. Don’t blame them being cautious.
I suspect they haven’t finalized touring specs, want to see response to GT orders. Don’t blame them being cautious.

Odd then to price a vehicle without finalizing the specs.

As I said, I'm not angry about the Gravity delivery situation. I just find it odd.
Do you have any photos of the vin number?
I actually do. Wasn't sure if it was cool to post that.
Curious though... what would it tell you, or how would seeing it be helpful?
I actually do. Wasn't sure if it was cool to post that.
Curious though... what would it tell you, or how would seeing it be helpful?
I would throw it into the GEICO system and see what insurance rates come up. Nothing super top secret or illegal best I can tell. If you have GEICO you can do that against your current vehicle and see if the VIN auto populates the info. Self entering it forces about a 100% increase in premiums.
Note the Aurora Green with Stealth trim, however Platinum wheels. That is not on the configurator. Stealth = black wheels, Platinum appearance = platinum wheels
yeah, wow... good catch! I'm betting these first few VIP customer deliveries either got the benefit of things not yet being finalized as their cars got made, or they were given additional flexibility on getting what they really wanted.

I forgot to say that I DID ask the local team if they had heard anything about Zenith Red for the Gravity... they said I wasn't the first to ask but they've heard no plans. It's my favorite Lucid color (as you can tell by my sig) and I'd love to see what a ZR Gravity would look like. 🔥
yeah, wow... good catch! I'm betting these first few VIP customer deliveries either got the benefit of things not yet being finalized as their cars got made, or they were given additional flexibility on getting what they really wanted.

I forgot to say that I DID ask the local team if they had heard anything about Zenith Red for the Gravity... they said I wasn't the first to ask but they've heard no plans. It's my favorite Lucid color (as you can tell by my sig) and I'd love to see what a ZR Gravity would look like. 🔥
I asked Derek Jenkins about Zenith Red on Gravity and he told me that he would like that color himself but there are no current plans for it. He followed up that comment with there will likely be additional Gravity colors in the future like we saw with Air. I would also like a Zenith Red Gravity and would wait if I knew for sure that it was coming.
Probably right. will hold off.
You can still personally run an insurance quote and give us the $$ comparison, even if it’s just the difference and name of the vehicle compared to. No trade secrets reveal necessary.