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Feb 6, 2024
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North East Florida
Air GT, Jaguar Ipace
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here is a brief report of my recent road trip from NE FLA to the NJ shore, ponte vedra to long branch

the car is a ' 23 GT with 19" wheels

two passengers, minimal luggage weight

the trip is around 985 miles each way via I95

the first leg I left home with a 100% charge of 505 miles (my guess o meter never has reported any more at 100%)

from Ponte Vedra to Lumberton NC is about 385 miles I arrived at the EA charger with around 40 miles on the clock.

charged at Lumberton on a 350 unit, the car was preconditioned and the speed started at 258 kwh which isn't bad but it did start to taper. At around 40% of battery capacity it was down to 180 kwh and went down from there, at close to 80% it was down to about 50 kwh. I put about 325 miles of range into the car in about 30 minutes.
the next planned stop for the night was just north of Richmond VA. about 260 miles

arrived at the hotel in richmond with about 35 miles on the clock and 2 of the 4 chargers were inoperable but I was lucky and got onto the charger for the night, charged to 100%, 505 miles

the next leg was to an EA charger in Tinton Falls NJ to top the car off for the 5 days I'd be in NJ. that leg was about 325 miles, we stopped outside of trenton for a pizza lunch, we arrived at the charger with under 100 miles on the clock. this EA station only had 150 kw units, odd. spent the weekend driving locally so I'll skip this part.

the drive from FL to NJ was mostly on I95, no major elevation changes no weather or significant winds to deal with. temps were between 87 and 94 degrees. speeds were 70 to 78 MPH. the car reported 4.1 on the first day and 3.8 on the second leg and on the return trip as well.

on the return trip the speeds were sometimes a bit higher. 70 to 83 MPH, I was drafting about 1/4 of the time.

I put some range into the car at tinton falls about 325 miles of range and we drove a short hop to visit relatives in MD, about 150 miles of driving fortunately we were a bit early so I went to the EA charger there and put some range into the car on a 150 kw charger, the 350s were in use. left the charger showing about 380 miles. I am glad that I made that stop because the hotel chargers failed. these were tesla units and I had a tesla tap for conversion. but for whatever reason the charging on two different units started but then cut out.

we left MD and because of the failed hotel charging we had to make an unplanned for stop in Emporia VA about 245 miles away. arrived with about 65 miles on the clock and the 2 350kwh units were being hogged by cars charging to 100%, drivers nowhere to be found I put about 240 miles into the car in about 30 minutes. and off we went headed to Florence SC for the next charge stop.

the hop was about 240 miles and we barely made it! as we left I95 to go to the charger that was a few miles away I was down to 10 miles of range and turtle mode kicked in!
this sucked not because of the limited speed, we were now on the local roads but the AC shut down and it was 92 degrees at 3pm. not good!! got a good charge here, plug and charge wouldn't work here so I used the app to get the charging started. I about 275 miles into the car, starting at about 235 kw and the car tapered very quickly again. the last stop was savannah Ga about 185 miles away where we spent the night. I used the charger at the hotel, 2 units of which I got one and a tesla was on the other. put about 480 miles on the car for the last leg, about 165 miles.

about 3.8 kw
some of my observations:

you need to take a 20=25% haircut on the range displayed by the guess o meter for driving at normal highway speeds. I drove at a steady pace, no hot starts, no traffic most of the time, only a few minutes of slower traffic around Baltimore/DC/VA on the way home. I had no weather issues and there were no large elevation changes.

Dream Drive:
driver's assist is garbage, the car ping ponged often, it dove for exits. it seemed like it wanted to hug the extreme right side of the lane and it is a battle to keep the car centered. I wound up not using it.
the issues are similar to when tesla introduced AP2. it took them almost a year for tesla to fix the issues and Lucid needs to come up with some fixes for this.

the car is cool enough, my only complaint is that the settings do not remain as I set them. sync sometimes shuts off, the rear AC has to be turned on everytime you start the car. just a bit of a PIA to always have to adjust things.

the nav is adequate but the search for chargers is for the birds. if you switch to EA only it will usually on display the closest chargers regardless of direction being traveled and if you want to plan a charge at a charger a few hundred miles away you need to manually seek it out and input it manually.
I use Autoplay and keep Waze open for the alerts, it works well for me. sometimes you can run both Nav systems simultaneously and that can results in confusing directions because the two systems will offer different routings.

Interior comfort:
I still am searching for that perfect seating position and I will make adjustments on the fly but I spent many hours in the seat and I was never uncomfortable, but those 100% charges that allow for 5 hours of driving can make me stiffen up.
the steering wheel for me needs to be in a place I really don't like, my preferred position blocks the speed read out so I need to adjust it up so I can see the speedo, and this is another setting that doesn't seem to hold, I had to adjust it often upon entering the car.
A heads up display would be a great feature to have.

the car has a cushy comfortable ride, it is not a sports car ride like my taycan was , it is hard to match a porsche.

The EA network seems to have become more reliable. the only crowding was at the 4 unit station in NJ that was only 150 KW units.
my only quibble is the how fast the car tappers off from high speed charging. the taperring seems to start at about 25% of charge and drops dramatically at 50% and just get slower and slower. the should be better. the taperring should not be kicking in until about 60% full.

overall I give the car a B- for long distance road tripping because of the bad range estimates and the bad BMS.

another unrelated issue is vampire drain, I lost over 30 miles of range the other night after charging after the trip. I seem to lose about 10-15 miles of range a night. is anyone else having this issue?
The EA stops seem consistent with my experience during a trip from MD to FL and back last month. I did stop at the Bucees on the south side of Jax the morning of the trip back to try the Mercedes branded Chargepoint stations. They were quick to connect but charging maxed out at 180kW.

I'd add range depletion was about 2 miles lost per 1 mile traveled for the first 30-50 miles after DCFC. I assume it has something to do with the battery temp. That seemed to affect projected range the most.
here is a brief report of my recent road trip from NE FLA to the NJ shore, ponte vedra to long branch

the car is a ' 23 GT with 19" wheels

two passengers, minimal luggage weight

the trip is around 985 miles each way via I95

the first leg I left home with a 100% charge of 505 miles (my guess o meter never has reported any more at 100%)

from Ponte Vedra to Lumberton NC is about 385 miles I arrived at the EA charger with around 40 miles on the clock.

charged at Lumberton on a 350 unit, the car was preconditioned and the speed started at 258 kwh which isn't bad but it did start to taper. At around 40% of battery capacity it was down to 180 kwh and went down from there, at close to 80% it was down to about 50 kwh. I put about 325 miles of range into the car in about 30 minutes.
the next planned stop for the night was just north of Richmond VA. about 260 miles

arrived at the hotel in richmond with about 35 miles on the clock and 2 of the 4 chargers were inoperable but I was lucky and got onto the charger for the night, charged to 100%, 505 miles

the next leg was to an EA charger in Tinton Falls NJ to top the car off for the 5 days I'd be in NJ. that leg was about 325 miles, we stopped outside of trenton for a pizza lunch, we arrived at the charger with under 100 miles on the clock. this EA station only had 150 kw units, odd. spent the weekend driving locally so I'll skip this part.

the drive from FL to NJ was mostly on I95, no major elevation changes no weather or significant winds to deal with. temps were between 87 and 94 degrees. speeds were 70 to 78 MPH. the car reported 4.1 on the first day and 3.8 on the second leg and on the return trip as well.

on the return trip the speeds were sometimes a bit higher. 70 to 83 MPH, I was drafting about 1/4 of the time.

I put some range into the car at tinton falls about 325 miles of range and we drove a short hop to visit relatives in MD, about 150 miles of driving fortunately we were a bit early so I went to the EA charger there and put some range into the car on a 150 kw charger, the 350s were in use. left the charger showing about 380 miles. I am glad that I made that stop because the hotel chargers failed. these were tesla units and I had a tesla tap for conversion. but for whatever reason the charging on two different units started but then cut out.

we left MD and because of the failed hotel charging we had to make an unplanned for stop in Emporia VA about 245 miles away. arrived with about 65 miles on the clock and the 2 350kwh units were being hogged by cars charging to 100%, drivers nowhere to be found I put about 240 miles into the car in about 30 minutes. and off we went headed to Florence SC for the next charge stop.

the hop was about 240 miles and we barely made it! as we left I95 to go to the charger that was a few miles away I was down to 10 miles of range and turtle mode kicked in!
this sucked not because of the limited speed, we were now on the local roads but the AC shut down and it was 92 degrees at 3pm. not good!! got a good charge here, plug and charge wouldn't work here so I used the app to get the charging started. I about 275 miles into the car, starting at about 235 kw and the car tapered very quickly again. the last stop was savannah Ga about 185 miles away where we spent the night. I used the charger at the hotel, 2 units of which I got one and a tesla was on the other. put about 480 miles on the car for the last leg, about 165 miles.

about 3.8 kw
some of my observations:

you need to take a 20=25% haircut on the range displayed by the guess o meter for driving at normal highway speeds. I drove at a steady pace, no hot starts, no traffic most of the time, only a few minutes of slower traffic around Baltimore/DC/VA on the way home. I had no weather issues and there were no large elevation changes.

Dream Drive:
driver's assist is garbage, the car ping ponged often, it dove for exits. it seemed like it wanted to hug the extreme right side of the lane and it is a battle to keep the car centered. I wound up not using it.
the issues are similar to when tesla introduced AP2. it took them almost a year for tesla to fix the issues and Lucid needs to come up with some fixes for this.

the car is cool enough, my only complaint is that the settings do not remain as I set them. sync sometimes shuts off, the rear AC has to be turned on everytime you start the car. just a bit of a PIA to always have to adjust things.

the nav is adequate but the search for chargers is for the birds. if you switch to EA only it will usually on display the closest chargers regardless of direction being traveled and if you want to plan a charge at a charger a few hundred miles away you need to manually seek it out and input it manually.
I use Autoplay and keep Waze open for the alerts, it works well for me. sometimes you can run both Nav systems simultaneously and that can results in confusing directions because the two systems will offer different routings.

Interior comfort:
I still am searching for that perfect seating position and I will make adjustments on the fly but I spent many hours in the seat and I was never uncomfortable, but those 100% charges that allow for 5 hours of driving can make me stiffen up.
the steering wheel for me needs to be in a place I really don't like, my preferred position blocks the speed read out so I need to adjust it up so I can see the speedo, and this is another setting that doesn't seem to hold, I had to adjust it often upon entering the car.
A heads up display would be a great feature to have.

the car has a cushy comfortable ride, it is not a sports car ride like my taycan was , it is hard to match a porsche.

The EA network seems to have become more reliable. the only crowding was at the 4 unit station in NJ that was only 150 KW units.
my only quibble is the how fast the car tappers off from high speed charging. the taperring seems to start at about 25% of charge and drops dramatically at 50% and just get slower and slower. the should be better. the taperring should not be kicking in until about 60% full.

overall I give the car a B- for long distance road tripping because of the bad range estimates and the bad BMS.

another unrelated issue is vampire drain, I lost over 30 miles of range the other night after charging after the trip. I seem to lose about 10-15 miles of range a night. is anyone else having this issue?
Yeah you generally don’t want to fast charge at night and let the car sit overnight. The heat from the fast charge will result in loss.

Better to fast charge first thing in the morning and immediately start driving after. Far less drain.

Or, if possible, find a hotel with an L2 charger and let it charge slowly overnight. No drain, and no time wasted at a charging station. I know that’s not always an option, but worth seeking out just in case.
Yeah you generally don’t want to fast charge at night and let the car sit overnight. The heat from the fast charge will result in loss.

Better to fast charge first thing in the morning and immediately start driving after. Far less drain.

Or, if possible, find a hotel with an L2 charger and let it charge slowly overnight. No drain, and no time wasted at a charging station. I know that’s not always an option, but worth seeking out just in case.
the only L3 charging before stopping for the night was done in the afternoon and I only charged to less than 70%, the problem with doing your L3 charging first thing in the AM is that the car is not preconditioned and that could affect the charging speed, and as I noted the charging curve is not very good to begin with.
Great report. Thanks for sharing. I have had similar experiences but not the turtle mode thing. That must have been scary.

I personally find the seats very comfortable. My wife who is the world’s best complainer says our Lucid is the most comfortable and most enjoyable road trip vehicle of all time. I think it in today’s vernacular it is called the road trip GOAT.
Great report. Thanks for sharing. I have had similar experiences but not the turtle mode thing. That must have been scary.
it was more annoying than scary, I knew exactly where the EA charger was. It was 92 degrees out and without AC blowing it gets hot in the car fast. as soon as I plugged in the AC turned on
I personally find the seats very comfortable. My wife who is the world’s best complainer says our Lucid is the most comfortable and most enjoyable road trip vehicle of all time. I think it in today’s vernacular it is called the road trip GOAT.
the seats are comfy enough, I just can't seem to find the best positioning for me.
The EA stops seem consistent with my experience during a trip from MD to FL and back last month. I did stop at the Bucees on the south side of Jax the morning of the trip back to try the Mercedes branded Chargepoint stations. They were quick to connect but charging maxed out at 180kW.
there are FPL chargers close by with a similar speed but I believe that the FPL chargers cost less.
The EA stops seem consistent with my experience during a trip from MD to FL and back last month. I did stop at the Bucees on the south side of Jax the morning of the trip back to try the Mercedes branded Chargepoint stations. They were quick to connect but charging maxed out at 180kW.

I'd add range depletion was about 2 miles lost per 1 mile traveled for the first 30-50 miles after DCFC. I assume it has something to do with the battery temp. That seemed to affect projected range the most.
I've made the r/t run from Milton DE to Vero Beach FL. several times As I still have another 1.5 years of free EA charging, I usually steer for those & stop in Emporia, VA on the way south, then Florence SC, then Brunswick GA onto Vero Beach (sometimes on fumes for that last stretch, but by keeping it around 70mph you can make it in a Touring on 19" wheels). I charge to 100% before I leave DE & again in Brunswick GA. Otherwise to around 80%, although I may go higher if no one is waiting for my charger. I've made this trip several times now & EA has seemed to get more reliable as time goes on. The first couple of times I made this trip the uncertainty gave me an ulcer. Now, like most on this forum, I have a backup plan for charging and that, combined with what I see as EAs improvement (at least on this route), lowers the pucker factor considerably. Happy travels.