RESOLVED Windshield scratches at delviery


Verified Owner
Dec 10, 2022
DE Number
Unable or Unwilling
My apologies for the long post but I really would like to hear back from as many of you as possible:

I’m requesting feedback from members of the forum. I took delivery of my car June 2nd , 2023. There were numerous scratches on the windshield just above the driver’s side sun visor. This was documented and reported to Lucid the same day.

On Friday November 18th Lucid had me bring the car in to the Beverly Hills service center to see if they could “buff” out the scratches on the windshield, as well as address other issues which were documented since taking possession:

  • A misaligned charge port door
  • Door handles would present but intermittently not work when pulled (similar issue with the trunk button)
  • Car was offline, thus not able to receive and OTA updates, use maps or listen any music streamed through the car, since August 11th.
  • Address the forum documented recall issue(s).
Side note: My car sustained minor curb rash on the passenger side rear wheel. Don’t ask how… just be mindful of who you let drive your car. LOL

But I digress. I was contacted by the service department yesterday and the gentleman acknowledged the windshield scratches but said that to replace the windshield and canopy was “expensive and labor intensive.” I wholeheartedly agreed with his assertion even though this is not something I would be charged for as the damage was documented upon delivery. So, I’m assuming he meant it was expensive for Lucid to replace? Furthermore, he indicated that if they replaced the entire windshield/canopy that there was “no guarantee that it wouldn’t be scratched or damaged at some point in the future from a rock or debris spit out from a truck” (a curiously obvious statement I thought, with one obvious caveat: in the latter case I would be responsible for the damage instead of Lucid). Ultimately, I agreed that the scratches weren’t so horrible that I couldn’t live with them. Thinking this may be a good time, I proposed that if they replaced the “curb-rashed” wheel, they need not worry about replacing the windshield. The logic being I get a new wheel and they save the cost and labor of installing an entire new windshield: a net-cost savings for Lucid. He said he would check with his manager and call me back.

The call back offered this response: “I addressed the possibility of keeping your windshield as is and instead, give you new wheel and they said we are unable to do it.” I was curious as to why. To my surprise he stated, “Our system wouldn’t allow for such a transaction to occur.” System? Transaction? (sounds curiously like the tail wagging the dog).

Needless to say, I was confounded by the term “unable” as a justification for my proposal. So, I asked, “Are they unable or unwilling to replace one wheel instead of the previously mentioned “cost & labor-intensive” replacement of the windshield?” After a long pause, he said he didn’t understand my question. After a second and third attempt to reword my question, in hopes of better understanding if they were unable or unwilling, he continued to counter with “I don’t understand the question.” Seeing no other viable option, I respectfully asked for the name of the manager who provided this feedback, in hopes of pleading my seemingly, logical request to someone who could provide a reasonable explanation of why this request was unable to be met. I was told he was unable to provide a name of the supervisor, much less allow me to speak to one.

Disclaimer: I am acutely aware of the perilous nature service reps are in having to be the conduit between the company and customers. Not that I frequently make requests to speak to a manager, but this is first time I can recall being denied a name or even the opportunity to speak to one.

I thanked him for his time and the return phone call and wished him a good day.

Approximately an hour and a half later, I received another call from the same individual who indicated all service & updates were completed and my car was ready for pick up. I live about 3 hours away from the Beverly Hills service center but before I make the trip back to get my car I wanted to hear from as many of you as possible.

I understand that some on this thread have personally invested in Lucid and additionally, I understand the ROI investors hope to enjoy. So, I’d like to pose some questions to all who may read this:
Given the explanation of calls I’ve provided, is either request (wheel vs. windshield replacement OR the request of a supervisor’s name or conversation) unreasonable?
  • Does it seem remotely possible that my request is unable to be met because a “system” doesn’t allow it? Admittedly, I’m not aware of all “systems”. Is he likely referring to an internal computer/software system that makes this request impossible or and internal company system of denying the request?
  • Can someone explain the balance between investors ROI and adequate customer care, so that both come away feeling that the experience is equitable?
  • Constant “Drive System Warning Contact Customer Care” Notification
  • Lastly, instead of picking up my car, I’m considering a request that the damage windshield be replaced, as initially agreed. Thoughts?
I cringe with trepidation at the thought of posting this message for fear of coming across as something other than confused and slightly frustrated by my recent communication with Luck. I love the car and as an early adopter, understand the challenges of an emerging car company. My only hope here is to solicit feedback, critical or otherwise, from individuals who love their car, as much as I love mine, and seek an amicable resolution for both sides.

This post is submitted with the sincerest of intentions.

Be well
Given the explanation of calls I’ve provided, is either request (wheel vs. windshield replacement OR the request of a supervisor’s name or conversation) unreasonable?
If the windshield damage was documented at the time of delivery, and it was significant enough, it should be replaced under warranty in my opinion. I think the request to switch the wheel instead of the windshield may have been a bit much since the windshield was an issue at delivery, while the curb rash was not through any faint is Lucid's. I wouldn't expect them to comp you a wheel 'just because.' I don't think it's unreasonable to speak to the supervisor in this situation, as there are still issues that seem to need to be addressed.

I live about 3 hours away from the Beverly Hills service center
They made you drive the car to the service center from that far away? Did they give you a loaner to get home? I live about 3 hours from BH too and they've never made me drive my car there. I dropped it off for my 1 year maintenance when we were already down in LA for other reasons. Every other time, they've either done mobile service or offered to drive up a loaner and drive my car back to BH. (Side note - where do you live if you don't mind me asking. I'm up near SLO).

Constant “Drive System Warning Contact Customer Care” Notification
That sounds pretty serious - what was done about it?
Yeah, I would expect there are corporate controls as to what they can and can't comp. Their system probably can't order a tire for a windshield issue, which is correct. This is to prevent fraud and waste in the company. Whether you want to escalate it for higher level approval is another thing. I'd consider insisting on new glass if it's bothering you.
My initial post wasn't meant as a plea for Lucid to comp me a wheel "just because". It was only after the gentleman expressed a quasi-reluctance to replace the scratched windshield due to the intense labor required to replace it. I wasn't looking for a handout or something for free or a 'comp'. The cost of the windshield and labor would seemingly be less costly to them than a wheel. While it is not an apples-to-apples comparison (windshield vs wheel), given the lesser of two evils, it seemed more cost effective for them to put a wheel on rather than absorb the cost and installation of an entire windshield & canopy. Maybe my thinking is too linear and elementary. If so, I apologize.

The other issues that required attention are similar to what others have expressed here, it wasn't a complaint as much as it was a statement that it wasn't just the windshield that needed to be addressed. All interactions with Lucid have been pleasant. So the convo today was definitely an anomaly.

If my memory serves me correctly, I notified them of the "Drive System Warning Contact Customer Care" issue a week or so before Halloween. I was told on that call that they would take a look at it during my November 18th scheduled appointment. Of course when the warning came up, I thought it was serious too, hence my call to them. Admittedly, I was rather surprised at the response. Regarding the car drop off in BH, they never offered nor did I request mobile service. They scheduled my appointment and said that, if necessary, they would provide a loaner or rental through Enterprise.

I'm in Central CA (Visalia), about a 2 hour drive to SLO.
Yeah, I would expect there are corporate controls as to what they can and can't comp. Their system probably can't order a tire for a windshield issue, which is correct. This is to prevent fraud and waste in the company. Whether you want to escalate it for higher level approval is another thing. I'd consider insisting on new glass if it's bothering you.
Appreciate your feedback, Vices.
Replace the windshield. It's documented and that's what you expected when buying a new car.
I took delivery of a Touring in December 2022; it was freezing in Natick MA that day. When I got home I found yellow paint scratched into a rear wheel and immediately emailed customer service the photos .. along with pictures at delivery which also showed the yellow paint. Drove to Florida. During mobile service for a few other small delivery issues, the tech noticed the windshield gaps along the cantrails on the left and right were dramatically different. Neither were emergencies. Took it in about 4 months after delivery to Riviera (West Palm Beach) FL service center for windshield replacement and a new 20" wheel.
Forum Members & BH Service Staff~
I owe the entire Lucid BH team a sincere apology for a poorly crafted post here last night. As a company, they have been amazing from the time I ordered my car back in 2021, until I took delivery. And specifically, the BH service team has been friendly, engaging and professional. They have worked, and continue to work tirelessly to ensure they are a customer-facing business, and are deserving of far better treatment & representation than I displayed in my post. Kudos to each of you and the incredible work you do. Please forgive me for my regrettable post and from the bottom of my heart I want you all to know you are appreciated.
Be well.