Lucid app update v1.49.0

I deleted and re-paired my iPhone mobile key two weeks ago. Since then, the car doesn’t unlock any better than it did before. But interestingly, I’ve had a half dozen cases after that where it wouldn’t unlock at all even if I stood there and waited. That never happened before the update. The first time it did that, I opened the app and successfully used the unlock button in it. The second time I restarted my phone and it unlocked. The rest of the times I killed the Lucid app and restarted it, and in all of those cases the car unlocked as soon as the app started back up.
Follow @Bobby’s steps to fully reset your mobile key rather than just removing and adding again. It seems excessive, but it really does make the difference.

I deleted and re-paired my iPhone mobile key two weeks ago. Since then, the car doesn’t unlock any better than it did before. But interestingly, I’ve had a half dozen cases after that where it wouldn’t unlock at all even if I stood there and waited. That never happened before the update. The first time it did that, I opened the app and successfully used the unlock button in it. The second time I restarted my phone and it unlocked. The rest of the times I killed the Lucid app and restarted it, and in all of those cases the car unlocked as soon as the app started back up.

Something I've noticed personally, there have been a few times where the app seems to get "stuck" on my iPhone and won't unlock the car. Even opening the app, standing in front of the car doesn't open it. Killing the app and restarting it immediately fixes the issue. I've only had to do this a couple of times.
Something I've noticed personally, there have been a few times where the app seems to get "stuck" on my iPhone and won't unlock the car. Even opening the app, standing in front of the car doesn't open it. Killing the app and restarting it immediately fixes the issue. I've only had to do this a couple of times.
I've noticed the app occasionally gets "stuck" on my iPhone and won't unlock the car until I restart it. This happens rarely but restarting the app always fixes the issue.
The prior versions all used a “translation framework” (I’m oversimplifying here on purpose) called Flutter; the idea is that you write code once, and then can deploy it to both Android and iOS (and web, or other devices, or whatever).

The benefit is flexibility - no need to maintain multiple codebases, only have to build a feature once, fix a single bug, and so on.

The drawback is speed (because everything is a little slower due to it not using the “native” iOS APIs), consistency (because you are using neither Android nor iOS, really, but using a layer in between), and limits on how deep of the system you can use and access.

Basically, everything about a native app is superior, except that you have to maintain both it and an Android app separately.

I hate Flutter, because native apps just perform so much better; but for speed of development, I understand why people use Flutter. It lets you build both apps in “half the time” with “half the effort.”

But the technical debt you incur while doing that? That takes years to pay back. :)
Well said! Leveraging Flutter beyond MVP is an anti-pattern for good user experiences.