Intermittent CarPlay audio output


Verified Owner
Aug 14, 2022
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This has been perplexing me for some time and I'm open to any guidance. CarPlay connects and works well, however, when I exit the vehicle and return my audio is still displayed, but there is no output. Sometimes it plays for 1-2 seconds and then pauses, other times I hit the play icon and it changes to pause then immediately changes back to the play icon. This happens with music apps and podcasts. The rest of the CarPlay apps seems to be working as they should.

When I check device connectivity the CarPlay icon is illuminated. I've tapped the icon to disconnect CarPlay and then tap it again to reinstall. Sometimes that works and sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes it takes 2 or 3 disconnect/reconnect tries.

I have reset the Lucid software (press and hold Air logo). I have uninstalled my iPhone from the car and reinstalled it. I've turned off CarPlay on my phone and restarted it. Customer care has tried and exhausted their suggestions. My service tech was out yesterday (for unrelated work) and he couldn't find any mention in Lucid's service files.

Any ideas?
That happens to me all the time. CarPlay works fine initially, then I make a quick stop, get back in, and it doesn't play. I press the play button and it does just what you describe, goes to pause for a second, then back to play.

I found if I quickly click Bluetooth on and off on my phone (or in the car), it starts working normally. Haven't figured out why this happens, but I'm just used to having to turn Bluetooth on and off when I get back into the car.
This has been perplexing me for some time and I'm open to any guidance. CarPlay connects and works well, however, when I exit the vehicle and return my audio is still displayed, but there is no output. Sometimes it plays for 1-2 seconds and then pauses, other times I hit the play icon and it changes to pause then immediately changes back to the play icon. This happens with music apps and podcasts. The rest of the CarPlay apps seems to be working as they should.

When I check device connectivity the CarPlay icon is illuminated. I've tapped the icon to disconnect CarPlay and then tap it again to reinstall. Sometimes that works and sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes it takes 2 or 3 disconnect/reconnect tries.

I have reset the Lucid software (press and hold Air logo). I have uninstalled my iPhone from the car and reinstalled it. I've turned off CarPlay on my phone and restarted it. Customer care has tried and exhausted their suggestions. My service tech was out yesterday (for unrelated work) and he couldn't find any mention in Lucid's service files.

Any ideas?
+1 for me with this issue. No consistent workaround that I’ve found. However, I do have a sense of relief and joy when it randomly works as expected.
It's nice to know that I'm not alone! But I'd still prefer a fix.
I found if I quickly click Bluetooth on and off on my phone (or in the car), it starts working normally. Haven't figured out why this happens, but I'm just used to having to turn Bluetooth on and off when I get back into the car.
This is what I do often when this happens. However, if you are already driving, fiddling with your phone can be dangerous. Bobby pointed out to me that another thing that will usually work is to switch the car to AM radio, or some other source, and then back to bluetooth audio. That will reengage the audio in CarPlay.

Definitealy a bug. Definitely a pain in the butt. Doesn’t happen all the time, but happens often enough to be annoying. Luckily, the above workarounds always work for me. Hoping for a fix eventually.
This is what I do often when this happens. However, if you are already driving, fiddling with your phone can be dangerous. Bobby pointed out to me that another thing that will usually work is to switch the car to AM radio, or some other source, and then back to bluetooth audio. That will reengage the audio in CarPlay.

Definitealy a bug. Definitely a pain in the butt. Doesn’t happen all the time, but happens often enough to be annoying. Luckily, the above workarounds always work for me. Hoping for a fix eventually.
For what it’s worth, a logo reset also fixes this for me, but usually I just toggle Bluetooth on and off on phone and car.
Just had our Airgt a few days but I’m pretty sure I experienced this issue.
This issue drove me crazy today on a 200 mile trip. Tried all the tricks to no avail. Arrgbh!
@AirDoll says you can just say Hey Siri and it will startup again?
Was in and out of the car around town today and
Car Play functioned without a hitch. It’s a head scratcher and one of the items I hope they attend to in an update.
It's nice to know that I'm not alone! But I'd still prefer a fix.
I do a lot of road trips and this issue has gotten better since CarPlay launch. Bluetooth off on iPhone and Car then turn Car bt back on then iPhone bt. I find this works best if the iPhone is also plugged in to the USB. It is happening less often, but when you are using the iPhone for Nav it is pretty annoying. If I am not using iPhone nav, I just ignore it and it usually self corrects at some point. Most of the time bt for music and phone still work even if CarPlay does not.
I don’t know if related, but my CarPlay hasn’t consistently worked since around the time I downloaded IOS 17. Seems like the only time it works is when my daughter is in the car and Siri reads an inappropriate text message out loud from my buddy. Works every time when that happens!
I don’t know if related, but my CarPlay hasn’t consistently worked since around the time I downloaded IOS 17. Seems like the only time it works is when my daughter is in the car and Siri reads an inappropriate text message out loud from my buddy. Works every time when that happens!
It’s been working great for me on iOS 17.
I’ve found my profile doesn’t always retain the active CarPlay setting. Maybe 50% of the time, I have to go to devices in settings and tap the CarPlay icon for my phone to reactivate it. Both phone and vehicle are on the most current software versions.
Apple Car Play is a huge issue in every car. I had a Porsche before the Lucid and it was the same. I have problems with bluetooth on so many devices, it's never been solid. Seems to work better if you plug the phone in with a cable. My phone is too tight to put in the charger slot because it's the larger iphone and it has a case. If I jam it in, it works, but it leaves rub marks on my phone.

There has to be a better solution to apple car play, it's so bad.
Apple Car Play is a huge issue in every car. I had a Porsche before the Lucid and it was the same. I have problems with bluetooth on so many devices, it's never been solid. Seems to work better if you plug the phone in with a cable. My phone is too tight to put in the charger slot because it's the larger iphone and it has a case. If I jam it in, it works, but it leaves rub marks on my phone.

There has to be a better solution to apple car play, it's so bad.
For your charging solution I highly recommend

There’s a coupon floating around somewhere on the forum posted by @TWRAPS
I've experienced most of the same car play issues, in both my Lucid and my other vehicles. It is tempermental.

The strange issue I have encountered only with the Lucid is while talking on the phone using car play over the car speakers, the Sirius XM radio with suddenly come on over the car speakers simultaneously. It is pretty frustrating and I have to quickly switch to the iphone speaker and turn down the radio - all while driving. Kind of ruins the "hands free" experience.