I have finally figured it out (I am apparently slow)


Active Member
Jan 14, 2022
Scottsdale Arizona
Genesis GV60 Performance
US drivers believe they are in the United Kingdom. Therefore the slow drivers migrate to the proper (left) lane to toddle along. The middle lane is reserved for drivers who are afraid of driving behind someone who MIGHT be turning. The faster drivers are therefore forced into the right lane (which in the UK would be the proper lane.
If were king I would revoke everyones drivers licenses in waves by last name. Give them warning and 3 months to begin a new 6 month education and testing process to qualify for a new DL. Goal would be to teach people in the US how to actually drive rather than just generally point 5000 lbs in a direction and hope for the best.
idiot who tries to merge into 70 mph traffic when he's only going 35...

If I were king cars would have paintball guns.
If you see a car totally splattered with paintball you can make assumptions about the driver.
idiot who tries to merge into 70 mph traffic when he's only going 35...

If I were king cars would have paintball guns.
If you see a car totally splattered with paintball you can make assumptions about the driver.
And the BMW drivers merging at a hundered and twenty into a 75..
US drivers believe they are in the United Kingdom. Therefore the slow drivers migrate to the proper (left) lane to toddle along. The middle lane is reserved for drivers who are afraid of driving behind someone who MIGHT be turning. The faster drivers are therefore forced into the right lane (which in the UK would be the proper lane.
That's strange as it's completely the opposite in the UK, they must all think they are in the US.
US drivers believe they are in the United Kingdom. Therefore the slow drivers migrate to the proper (left) lane to toddle along. The middle lane is reserved for drivers who are afraid of driving behind someone who MIGHT be turning. The faster drivers are therefore forced into the right lane (which in the UK would be the proper lane.
you made me log in just so I could laugh.