Ferrari movie

Cosmo Cruz

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May 2, 2022
Philly 'burbs
2022 Air GT: Cos/Cruz
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There are some wonderful racing clips in this film so if that's what you are thinking = worth it... It's just a few minutes but I'd love to know where/how they got all those "antique" cars. There are vintage racing clips...Those drivers had enormous upper body can see how hard it was to drive those cars. It's terrifying. They didn't bother with roll bars or seat belts = if you lost it you were dead anyway, or wished to be.

" Death is always near. Worry about the small children and dogs."

I would recommend the film Ford v Ferrari = might help with the context. There are several great documentaries / films about the Mille Miglia. Wonderful cars.

Grand Prix; Le Mans; (Two Lane Blacktop /dirty Mary..). I read this bit once about a guy who worked on the film Le Mans. May have been a director commenting on the film: I'll shorten the story. Ferrari and Porsche teams both blow engines in qualifying. Porsche calls Germany. Ten hours later a new Porsche racing engine in heard in the pits. Ferrari calls Italy. Two races later they still don't have a working replacement engine.

Ferrari a film, not a movie. It's really good. You could take your sweetheart.
Yep, just saw the movie today. Not bad actually. It was a little slow to my liking.