Charging and etiquette


Active Member
Mar 28, 2023
So I used an EA charger for the first time the other day and it was full. It just struck me is there an etiquette to waiting for an open space?

Do people just pull up to one of the ends of the charging stations and wait? Taking up drivable space. Do they take a nearby parking spot and just run out to the next car saying they got next?

What's the norm out there?
I think it depends on the layout of the charging station. The one I go to most has a number of parking spaces opposite the chargers that are never occupied, so cars just line up there side by side usually. Others are tighter, so a line forms. Yet others are wide open behind the bank of chargers, so cars line up against the curb. And so on.
I haven’t yet run into this myself. But when pulling up to a full charger station, it’s probably best to look around for other EVs to see if anyone is already in some sort of “line.” My guess is most will park in empty spots nearby. Then it’s basically an honor system.
All the stations I've been to with a line it's fairly obvious who's waiting, they are parked closeby and have their blinkers on.
I haven’t yet run into this myself. But when pulling up to a full charger station, it’s probably best to look around for other EVs to see if anyone is already in some sort of “line.” My guess is most will park in empty spots nearby. Then it’s basically an honor system.
I haven't had to use a level III charger yet but I see violent disagreements arising over who is trying to jump the line. In 2022 more than 550 people were shot in road range incidents in the US (USA Today). People these days seem to have a short trigger.

How hard would it be for EA (and others) to put in a line?
I haven't had to use a level III charger yet but I see violent disagreements arising over who is trying to jump the line. In 2022 more than 550 people were shot in road range incidents in the US (USA Today). People these days seem to have a short trigger.

How hard would it be for EA (and others) to put in a line?

I don't work in tech and I'm sure their are some hurdles. But it could maybe work like if you are in the geofenced area you sign up and join a queue. It doesn't seem to be a novel idea. But EA can't even keep their charges going at the rated speed.
I think it depends on the layout of the charging station. The one I go to most has a number of parking spaces opposite the chargers that are never occupied, so cars just line up there side by side usually. Others are tighter, so a line forms. Yet others are wide open behind the bank of chargers, so cars line up against the curb. And so on.
I kind of just pulled up at the end, but I didn't think to check the cars parked. There was an EQS that was ahead of me parked in a nearby spot. He let me know and it was no big deal.

but I imagine the scene in his head played out the scenario with two cars head to head in a parking lot and one of them is going "this guy better not take my spot" .
I came to an EA with both spaces occupied without drivers. One car (Porsche sports/MD plates) was at 95% and the driver wearing a suit and tie was returning. He promptly got in his car and started consuming a sandwich and Pepsi while we pulled up nearby waiting. Having seen on this thread that the last 5% will be time consuming I waited and asked my partner after 10' to chat him up about how long til he's charged. She came back and said he's waiting til it's 100% and that he was thinking of Lucid as his next car (troll?). Also that he lives 20 minutes down the road, but as soon as he stops charging, battery range rapidly degrades when he uses AC/sport mode. After 25', he's still sitting and luckily a family in the next space pulls up and leaves. So positioning myself to get in that space, I block his exit just as he begins to pull out while I maneuver into the adjacent space.