“No matter how well informed you are, you are surely not alarmed enough.”

Climate change is happening whether we like it or not. That’s not really in question. It was fascinating talking to Icelandic scientists this week (with Iceland being *very directly* affected by warming and loss of glacial ice). The overwhelming opinion is: you can’t stop climate change. Period.

However, and this is the important part: what humans have done is increased the *amplitude* of change from what it would otherwise have been. So while we aren’t in a “little ice age” yet like we had from 1200-1900 or so, our efforts would be well spent on reducing the *speed* with which our climate changes.

But preventing climate change entirely? That’s a fool’s errand. The planet is going to cycle and doesn’t care how we feel about it.
For those interested, there is a Youtube channel Astrum that is very objective with 1.85M subscribers.
I think the bottom line on the Climate Change video was that the alarming stat was not Change, but Rate-of-Change.


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