Feedback on locking the Tesla price decrease thread


Active Member
Verified Owner
Apr 7, 2022
Grand Touring
DE Number
I appreciate all of the work that the moderators do, but I think it might be a good idea to have a conversation in the community about the shutting down of threads. We have come a long ways from the early days of this forum, where manny conversations descended into belligerence, which almost always was caused by a very small minority. The moderators have fixed that problem and personally I appreciate it. I just think there needs to be a little more rope and room for disagreement from time to time.

Rather than just shutting down threads out of pocket, my suggestion is to first DM the people who the mods feel are causing a thread to go downhill. It’s a shame to me to see a conversation stopped because of one or two people. Even then, I think it is good to remember that we are made better by debate, even lively debate that we don’t like or agree with.
I was surprised sInce the rationale for shutting down the thread was because it wasn’t about Lucid, BUT, it was appropriately in the other automotive section. 🤷‍♂️
Here’s the thing: It’s almost impossible for anyone to mention Tesla on this forum without the conversation devolving into personal attacks. It’s annoying. It’s cumbersome. And it doesn’t add much to the forum that’s constructive or positive.

I understand the notion that it’s a “select few people” who are the problem. That’s likely true. But it doesn’t make it easier to moderate.

At the end of the day, there isn’t much to be gained once people let their emotions overcome rational discourse. Even the best of us succumb to the temptation to pile on once the attacks begin. It’s human nature.

The moderators appreciate the feedback and will take this into further consideration.
The moderators appreciate the feedback and will take this into further consideration.
1) ban/mute. this can be as broad or targeted as you guys want, like for x time duration, from threads, etc once they go over a "line"
2) shadow bans, but not sure if that's a route you guys want to take
3) allowing report function on comments, and once it reaches x reports, the comment can either automatically get removed and reviewed by a mod, or mod gets pinged to review the user and comment to decide if it should stay up or not

the report function probably works best, as it's most targeted, but requires more work on the mods. internally, it'll also leave a paper trail of who the "problem users" are, so that a more private discussion between mods and the user can take place to improve behavior, etc.

either way, thanks for all that you guys do!
To add on to what @joec said earlier, a very large percentage of threads that get locked only happen after a community member reports it and we discuss whether or not the thread is still constructive/adding to the conversation. We appreciate the feedback and will monitor in the future.
Here’s the thing: It’s almost impossible for anyone to mention Tesla on this forum without the conversation devolving into personal attacks. It’s annoying. It’s cumbersome. And it doesn’t add much to the forum that’s constructive or positive.

I understand the notion that it’s a “select few people” who are the problem. That’s likely true. But it doesn’t make it easier to moderate.

At the end of the day, there isn’t much to be gained once people let their emotions overcome rational discourse. Even the best of us succumb to the temptation to pile on once the attacks begin. It’s human nature.

The moderators appreciate the feedback and will take this into further consideration.
Thank you Joe, I appreciate you taking this into consideration.
I am so confused by the title of this thread.. was their a previous thread 🧵
I am so confused by the title of this thread.. was their a previous thread 🧵
There is a another thread where people discussed Tesla's price cuts and some members thought Lucid should cut their price, and others were arguing against saying that whatever Tesla does shouldn't impact Lucid as they're not even considered competition for Lucid market audience of luxury. Then it became a Tesla vs Lucid battle in comparing trims, models, price, and even stocks.

And it got out of hand.
Shadowbanning individuals from continuing discussions on a thread is an interesting thought to throttle things down, but without trimming down the history of the thread, it doesn’t solve the noise that gets generated.

I’m slightly in the boat of shutting these threads down when they spiral. I’d actually prefer to see those types of discussions in Discord where they do not pollute the forums. 99% of the time, they are non productive and fanboyish here. It’s personally unwanted noise for me 😅.
Shadowbanning individuals from continuing discussions on a thread is an interesting thought to throttle things down, but without trimming down the history of the thread, it doesn’t solve the noise that gets generated.

I’m slightly in the boat of shutting these threads down when they spiral. I’d actually prefer to see those types of discussions in Discord where they do not pollute the forums. 99% of the time, they are non productive and fanboyish here. It’s personally unwanted noise for me 😅.
We don’t shadowban.
I think if you know a person know to cause posts to spiral you can get that person to reform by turning on post approval. If the person wants to stay in the forum then they will improve behavior.
Good discussion, but this thread ought to be moved into the “site updates / feedback” section
We don’t shadowban.
Correct, didn’t mean to imply you did. Also, when echoing out from other’s suggestions, my thoughts on this were to temporarily disable someone from posting in a thread for x amount of time. Not a perm ban. This can be an effective way of turning a few conversations around. Also to my point, I do not think this is an effective tactic at scale as the damage is usually already done at this point.
I think if you know a person know to cause posts to spiral you can get that person to reform by turning on post approval. If the person wants to stay in the forum then they will improve behavior.
When I titled the thread I was going to write about the Tesla thread. I changed my train of thought and should have changed the title.

If any of the mods want to change the title and move it to the appropriate place, I would be in favor.
Correct, didn’t mean to imply you did. Also, when echoing out from other’s suggestions, my thoughts on this were to temporarily disable someone from posting in a thread for x amount of time. Not a perm ban. This can be an effective way of turning a few conversations around. Also to my point, I do not think this is an effective tactic at scale as the damage is usually already done at this point.
Also most people who spiral threads out of control are usually new, not the veteran forum members that we all know.
Also most people who spiral threads out of control are usually new, not the veteran forum members that we all know.

Yes. We all know the type - they’re on every online forum. They drop in, whip up a circus, then leave.
I have to give appreciation to what the mods are doing here to control the x vs. y banter on the forum. I'm in the camp of continuing to discuss the benefits and drawbacks of Lucid and their competitors. You want to call out Lucid's software or Tesla's interior quality, that's great!

Yes, Elon is a polarizing figure for some so any mention of that is of no benefit here at all. This forum and the contributions of the members are what pushed me into a Lucid, even more than glowing reviews from the press and awards such as MT's Car of the Year. Real world reviews, calling out problems, Lucid working on resolving them, that's what prospective lurkers here look for and get pushed over the edge into actual ownership.

Lucid is still on the ground floor, and we are early adopters. Without reading the experiences of early DE and GT owners, I don't think I would have taken this leap of faith!

(So happy I did, to me this is car 2.0, just a spectacular driving experience!)