XM radio favorites


New Member
Jun 27, 2024
Reaction score
Chicago - northern suburbs
2024 Air Grand Touring
When selecting FM radio, the pilot panel displays my favorites - no problem. However, when selecting XM radio, the pilot panel displays "my collections". You have to click on that, then it displays "my favorites". You have to click on that, then it displays the favorites. Three clicks to get to favorites which is three times your eyes are off the road. Very distracting. Is there a way for favorites to be displayed directly when you select XM? Again, no issue with FM. And further, this resets each time you get in the car. You have to select XM, then collections, then favorites - despite that the radio starts playing from where you left off. You can't change the channel without go thru the steps. And as mentioned on a related post, the steering wheel scroll buttons should toggle thru the favorites, so you don't have to look down to select one. Thank you.
Overall I like Lucid's streaming XM better than the satellite version I have in the other car. But I agree, three buttons to get to your favorite stations is really distracting to your driving. In the other car, the favorites come up on the first screen.
When I press the home button on the top screen it shows my favorites