why are smart phone so dumb ?

Cosmo Cruz

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May 2, 2022
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Nearly everyone takes photos / videos with the aspect ratio inverted. I see this on TV almost exclusively.

That's why you see videos on the news of school shootings, tornadoes, etc. with the weird margins blurred out.

The lens on your smart phone is round.

To get the "normal aspect ratio" (eyes side by side, instead of top and bottom) you need to hold your phone in an awkward, unstable position.

Why? Just how stupid are "coders" ?

Why hasn't ANYONE in the "smart" phone industry, at the very least, put a button to correct this abomination?
Or even better, made this the default aspect ratio for the way everyone uses their phone?
Oh boy here we go
OK, so there is an aspect ratio change button on my android phone?
Just tell me where it is and I will go away.

Also, why is portrait mode default? and what are all those boxes on my home screen ? and can I get a phone that had no features?

Programmers are weird.

rage against the machine!
OK, so there is an aspect ratio change button on my android phone?
Just tell me where it is and I will go away.

Also, why is portrait mode default? and what are all those boxes on my home screen ? and can I get a phone that had no features?

Programmers are weird.
I'm sure it depends on what phone you have. I have a Samsung Galaxy android. Portrait is NOT the default. And I can choose aspect ratio before I take the picture.
As for a phone with no features, you can get one. I was actually looking for one for my husband who is really bad with technology and uses no data. My son and I constantly tease him about it all the time. They do make phones like that, but they're more expensive than the ones with features.
Thank you Amster for taking my question seriously. I have a Pixel 8 (my son picked it out for me). I will look for the portrait/landscape button.

I am not alone

yet I was joking about all the icons on the home screen. I recognize 4 of them.
I have no idea what the others are, but I learned if you try to delete them the phone doesn't work at all.

Fortunately the wife is retired and has the Steve Jobs abomination. She's constantly overwebing on it. She looks up my questions, tells our son
(he's 20-something and has a Pixel) and he tells me / takes my phone and "fixes" it. Thought I'd try a question here, since all you wipper-snappers seem to be in tech.

I was in the $cience business. All the software scientists used was written for PC. Jobs was anti-science. "An apple a day keeps cancer away."
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Thank you Amster for taking my question seriously. I have a Pixel 8 (my son picked it out for me). I will look for the portrait/landscape button.

I am not alone

yet I was joking about all the icons on the home screen. I recognize 4 of them.
I have no idea what the others are, but I learned if you try to delete them the phone doesn't work at all.

Fortunately the wife is retired and has the Steve Jobs abomination. She's constantly overwebing on it. She looks up my questions, tells our son
(he's 20-something and has a Pixel) and he tells me / takes my phone and "fixes" it. Thought I'd try a question here, since all you wipper-snappers seem to be in tech.

I was in the $cience business. All the software scientists used was written for PC. Jobs was anti-science. "An apple a day keeps cancer away."
Cosmo, the Pixel 8 is a great phone for your purposes! In fact, my grandma just got one for similar reasons to you; she wanted a simple phone to use.

As for taking pictures in landscape, there is no button you need to press. Simply rotate the phone (in a landscape orientation) and press the camera button. The picture will be taken in landscape!