Weird Headlight Artifacts?


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Mar 7, 2020
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Naples, FL
Model S Plaid, Odyssey
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In our Air we were following friends home from a restaurant this evening. For the second time they told us that the driver side headlights were much brighter than the passenger side headlights. The lights were set to "Auto" but were on low beams without "Autodimming" engaged.

When we got onto a side street, I got out of the car to look, and the headlights appeared to be even on each side. A few minutes later, as we pulled up to the house, we caught a reflection of the headlights in a window and, just as our friends said, the driver side appeared much brighter. Again, though, when I got out of the car to look, each side appeared even.

So my partner got out of the car and went to the far back wall of the garage as I pulled in to film the car while moving. As the car approached, the driver side headlights appeared much brighter but then the illumination evened out as the car approached closer.

Occasionally people flash their bright beams at me on the road, indicating they are seeing bright lights from our car even though they are on low beams. I'm wondering if this is a normal.

Here is:

(1) how the headlights appear when shining straight into a window (this is the way the lights appear to our friends who we were following)

(2) when seen from outside the car (parked in the same position in the first shot).

I tried to download the video, but it wouldn't load, so I'll try again in a follow-on message.


In our Air we were following friends home from a restaurant this evening. For the second time they told us that the driver side headlights were much brighter than the passenger side headlights. The lights were set to "Auto" but were on low beams without "Autodimming" engaged.

When we got onto a side street, I got out of the car to look, and the headlights appeared to be even on each side. A few minutes later, as we pulled up to the house, we caught a reflection of the headlights in a window and, just as our friends said, the driver side appeared much brighter. Again, though, when I got out of the car to look, each side appeared even.

So my partner got out of the car and went to the far back wall of the garage as I pulled in to film the car while moving. As the car approached, the driver side headlights appeared much brighter but then the illumination evened out as the car approached closer.

Occasionally people flash their bright beams at me on the road, indicating they are seeing bright lights from our car even though they are on low beams. I'm wondering if this is a normal.

Here is:

(1) how the headlights appear when shining straight into a window (this is the way the lights appear to our friends who we were following)

(2) when seen from outside the car (parked in the same position in the first shot).

I tried to download the video, but it wouldn't load, so I'll try again in a follow-on message.

View attachment 20789

View attachment 20790
I think a video would help us diagnose the problem better. You can upload it to something like Google Drive and post the shareable link here, or you could post it on YouTube and do the same thing (more complicated).

Also, could you post an extremely close up image of each headlight?
I had a similar problem, although my lights appeared to be angled too far down, to the point where I would have a hard time seeing things like upcoming freeway exits. About a thirty minute stop at the Scottsdale Service Center resulted in the techs realigning all of my headlights such that the road is now beautifully illuminated, and I never get flashed by the oncoming traffic. The roads are so bright now that I really expected to get flashed, so I guess those dark black-out spots on the LEDs really do work!
I converted the video from a 3gp to an mp4 file, and it still won't load.

However, we just did a check using the Model S and the Air. When the Air follows me in the Model S, the driver side Air headlight looks much, much brighter in the rearview mirror of the Tesla. (You can discern individual modules in the passenger-side headlight, but the driver-side headlight is an undifferentiated ultra-bright starburst.) And when we drive the Air and the Tesla toward each other, the Air driver side headlight almost blinds the oncoming driver, even though the Air is on low beams. Yet when we stop the cars a hundred or so feet from each other and I step out of the Tesla onto the roadway, the Lucid headlights appear to be even on each side on the low beam setting, with each individual module discernible on each side of the car.

It seems as if the headlights are going to have to be calibrated. I'm surprised I don't get more drivers flashing their high beams at me.
I was getting brights flashed at me every time I drove in the dark. I called service to request an appointment to have them check to see if they needed adjustment. The drivers side was pointing up a little so they adjusted them and I haven't been flashed since.