Warming car etc. best practice in the winter?


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Apr 11, 2024
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New Hampshire
Air Touring
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This will be my first winter with my AT. I have the LUCID charger at home and leave it plugged in at home. Do folks warm the car and/or precondition the battery before heading out in the morning? I’ve already started to get the regen reduced warning in the mornings.

What are the best practices?
If you have a garage, I would recommend preconditioning it before you go out, especially if you live in NH as your profile suggests. If you can leave it plugged in during preconditioning you'll ensure you leave with the greatest charge, but for day to day, it isn't really going to matter - using energy is using energy. If you don't have a garage, I'm sure you'll want to precondition some, but it is going to obliterate your efficiency.
Anyone here old enough to remember Click and Clack the tappet brothers? (CAR TALK)
They advised the best way to warm-up a car is to drive it.

... was at Rutland VT when the radio said "RECORD LOW TEMPERATURE". I was out before sunrise to "warm-up" the car, but when I tried to shift the car into drive the selector wouldn't budge.

Never thought about warming the Lucid battery but it makes sense. Thanks for the tip.

(to finish the story...I started the car and went to go back to the Vermont Inn ... which, unbeknownst to me, had self-locking exit doors. Of course, I was still in pajamas with just a parka. My kids waving to me from the window of our toasty room. "STOP LAUGHING AND LET ME IN! I don't think I've ever been that cold. It got up to -14 before we skied our first tracks (freshies all day!). One of the best powder days of my life. Must have made an impression on the boy...he's up there now training with the National Ski Patrol. He's living my dream.)

Hey, is there an EA charger bank in Rutland, VT? Anyone use it?
I don't see any EA in Rutland. I use EA in Albany or Glens Falls when heading to the slopes. If I need to top up in VT I use Chargepoint or Vialynk (formerly Livingston Energy).
If you have a garage, I would recommend preconditioning it before you go out, especially if you live in NH as your profile suggests. If you can leave it plugged in during preconditioning you'll ensure you leave with the greatest charge, but for day to day, it isn't really going to matter - using energy is using energy. If you don't have a garage, I'm sure you'll want to precondition some, but it is going to obliterate your efficiency.
Preconditioning is to regulate battery temperature and therefore ensure the fastest charge speeds at level 3 chargers. Simply preconditioning the car while plugged in at home before you go out will not improve anything.
My understanding is that at 20 DEG F the battery cannot deliver as much current and therefor power and actually sees reduced total capacity when cold? I don't know if the tradeoff of 3-5% SOC using preheating is worth that extra total capacity from a temperature standpoint.

Great video at 7 mins in by Engineering Explained about temperature and charging.