Trip planning % of charge at arrival


Active Member
Mar 28, 2023
I've been playing around with trip planners like plugshare and abrp, but I'm wondering if there is some software out there that allows me to set what % of charge remaining when I get to my destination?

For example if I want to arrive at 40% so that I can drive around site see or if I wasn't staying at a place with a lvl2 charger and wanted to know o could make it to the next lvl3 after I puttered around town.

What I've been doing is setting my trip as a roundtrip because the trip planners will have me arrive at 10% which isn't enough of margin for me to drive around and make it back to a charger since it thinks I'm done for the day.

Plus the apps assume I'm getting 4+ kwh but I'm a 3.4 kwh kind of person.
ABRP allows you to set the ”Destination arrival SOC” percent. Just select ”Show more” at the bottom of the destination window.