Getting good numbers


Verified Owner
Sep 16, 2024
Reaction score
Richmond VA
2024 Lucid Touring
DE Number
Just did a trip up north to DC. I had adaptive cruise control on between 72-74, AC at 70 set to blower 3 in the front. We had the same on one side in the rear. Temp was about 85…. Looking good. Our trip the week before with similar conditions did not get anything close to this. Only thing different is during the week we took the car down to 8 percent and charged from there. Not sure if that helped.

Trip A is when we hit the highway, Trip B is from the house.


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Just did a trip up north to DC. I had adaptive cruise control on between 72-74, AC at 70 set to blower 3 in the front. We had the same on one side in the rear. Temp was about 85…. Looking good. Our trip the week before with similar conditions did not get anything close to this. Only thing different is during the week we took the car down to 8 percent and charged from there. Not sure if that helped.

Trip A is when we hit the highway, Trip B is from the house.

Wow! I thought you had Air Pure, but the profile says Touring. Those are impressive numbers!

Maybe this is coincidental, but I have been seeing better numbers from Air Pure since 2.4.4. I know Peter and Eric B talked about how they can change motor management over OTA to get more efficiency—it was briefly discussed in Kyle’s out-of-spec video on gravity. I know the release notes didn’t say anything, but is it possible they made improvements? I am just wondering aloud.

Was the difference between this trip and the less efficient previous trip the software version or something else?
Just did a trip up north to DC. I had adaptive cruise control on between 72-74, AC at 70 set to blower 3 in the front. We had the same on one side in the rear. Temp was about 85…. Looking good. Our trip the week before with similar conditions did not get anything close to this. Only thing different is during the week we took the car down to 8 percent and charged from there. Not sure if that helped.

Trip A is when we hit the highway, Trip B is from the house.

That is remarkable!
Those are great numbers. Did you drive over 65?