Experience with warranty on used Air?


New Member
Mar 7, 2025
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Hey folks - I was about to pull the trigger on a used Air and then saw that Lucid sells pre-owned on their own site. I called to understand what advantages there were if I bought from them. The sales person I spoke to said the warranty doesn’t transfer if it’s not bought from them, so I backed off the purchase. However, after reading thru the forum here, I saw a few posts saying the warranty definitely transfers. Can anyone who’s bought used from a 3P that’s not Lucid confirm whether they’ve actually been able to successfully register or use their warranty on a used? Thanks!
The salesperson is incorrect, and what he / she is saying is damaging to Lucid. I bought my first Air used and had no problems with warranty repairs when needed.

The warranty docs are available on Lucid's website, albeit not hugely easy to find. Here you go: https://lucidmotors.com/knowledge/ownership/maintenance-and-warranty/lucid-limited-warranty

The text you need to quote to the salesperson is on page 4:

This Lucid New Vehicle Limited Warranty is provided to the original and subsequentowner(s) of a new Lucid Air sold by Lucid or its affiliates in a specific warranty region, titled orregistered in the name of the first retail owner or subsequent owner. The Lucid New VehicleLimited Warranty can be transferred from the original owner to a subsequent owner—thenew owner must provide proof of ownership transfer.

Good luck in your search!
The salesperson is incorrect, and what he / she is saying is damaging to Lucid. I bought my first Air used and had no problems with warranty repairs when needed.

The warranty docs are available on Lucid's website, albeit not hugely easy to find. Here you go: https://lucidmotors.com/knowledge/ownership/maintenance-and-warranty/lucid-limited-warranty

The text you need to quote to the salesperson is on page 4:

Good luck in your search!

Sales people making stuff up remains a problem. As Doctor said, it is damaging to Lucid to deter potential customers or buyers with such incorrect info. Hope corporate is working to address.
I bought a used Dream Edition from a Volvo dealership to replace our original Dream Edition that was wrecked, so I was actually the third owner of record of that car. There have been zero issues with warranty work. (The only issue has been that Lucid somehow cannot get the VIN of the original car out of their system, and I have to watch to be sure they write up the service tickets under the VIN of the second car, which is also in their system.)

Lucid has replaced the HV battery pack, the rear drive unit, and two windshields under warranty on the used car . . . and I don't even think they were obligated to treat the first windshield replacement as a warranty issue.

Generally, I have found Lucid service work to be superb.
Really appreciate everyone’s responses! I thought it seemed wrong, but then also thought maybe the other dealer just didn’t know. I saw the warranty info on lucid’s site and worried it applied only to pre-owned from them. Proof my wife and I aren’t lawyers! Anyway, thank you again for helping to ease my concerns and hoping to join in ownership soon!