Charging Issue(s)


New Member
May 24, 2023
Reaction score
Air Touring
I have been having another charging issue. When I go to EA and try to authenticate via the app, my Nav shows me in the correct location but the charger shows me in a location I was at 3 weeks ago. No way to update that and it continually errors out with "unable to authenticate". Called EA support and Lucid support 5 times. EA works when I have to pay myself (I should not have to with the charging included in the purchase!) but charging does not work via the app. Lucid states it is an error with the app and EA but no call back from them after 5 instances of not being able to charge. EA has no issues as they can see the car plugged in and when I used my credit card, it miraculously works. Very disappointed with Lucid, as this my second MAJOR issue not being able to charge in the 1.5 years of owning the Touring. Have to send the car in again... 7th time in total for technical/software issues.
Anyone else having the same issue with the app not authenticating where the Nav and chargers show different locations?

i am a VERY frustrated and disappointed Lucid owner.
Search can be more helpful than creating a new thread. See these two threads:
