Car covers


Verified Owner
Jan 21, 2023
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Air Touring, Ioniq 5
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Any recommendations for a car cover? I was underwhelmed with the Lucid brand mats, and thought I'd ask about car covers (Lucid or other) before spring $450 for the branded one. I searched the forum and didn't find anything related that discussed this topic.

I'll be traveling for ~4 months and will be storing my car outside.
What would you like to know? It's a car cover. It fits well. It has a nice little access panel for the charge port. I wish I had a better way of cleaning and drying it between uses - it's huge and fairly heavy, not the easiest thing to string up for air drying. I've ended up stretching it across a few lawn chairs to let it air out.
Has anyone tried the indoor car cover for outdoor use? Just wondering if it is any easier and lighter to handle than the outdoor one. For San Diego, it may not probably need full weather protection, so thinking if indoor car cover will suit my need. Most likely I will be using it when I am away for a month later this year.
I bought an aftermarket outdoor cover and regret it. It is too bulky for every day use, but the primary problem is that it is impenetrable to wind. Even with the tie down clips, that I paid extra for, firmly in place it doesn't take much for that huge sail to rip right off the car.

I recall a light, breathable, cover I had for a 280Z in the 80s. I used it daily to keep the sun off the car's new paint. It worked well, and I wish I bought something like that.