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  1. L

    Mine took a bit because I'm self-employed and the bank kept asking for more info. One that was...

    Mine took a bit because I'm self-employed and the bank kept asking for more info. One that was fixed it was maybe 4 days to delivery including getting it to Plainview from KoP
  2. L

    Frunk not working after multiple service visits.

    On the left side of the cockpit screen. With the charge door opener and the door lock.
  3. L

    7500 tax credit is on the books through this year at least, but with this Administration...

    7500 tax credit is on the books through this year at least, but with this Administration anything can change. Also interest rate fluctuations will effect the lease cost. I'm not sure which way they will go. I hit the sweet spot, my cost of funds was under 2%. I bought in June as well. Inventory...
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    I tend to stay home when it snows, but the few times I've been out it's been ok. It is a very...

    I tend to stay home when it snows, but the few times I've been out it's been ok. It is a very heavy car and has good traction. I think the only issue would be using the brakes on ice. Pure also has an AWD version, or did last year, which I considered briefly. My car was inventoried at KoP but...
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    Weird bug

    Just had the nicest experience with Plainview Service. They picked up right away, listened carefully and arranged for mobile service on the 17th. Maybe they are less busy here, but I wish servicing my Bolt was as easy.
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    Weird bug

    Thursday afternoon I was out for a drive. When I turned on my left turn signal the right section of the cockpit panel started flashing with the blinker. Even after the blinker stopped the panel kept flashing. After a logo reset I cannot access the home screen portion. Nav, audio work fine. The...
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    New York Lucid Owners Club

    I have a Pure. Got a good deal on a lease last June. Car isn't perfect, but is by far the best car I've had. If little software glitches annoy you, you may not be happy, but it you want a car that handles and drives well, you will be happy. Plainview has been easy to deal with when I've needed...
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    Android App Update

    Got the new app. Did they switch to Google Maps? Look different.
  9. L

    2.6.2 Software Update

    I think my car is haunted! Don't worry it is a friendly ghost. Since 2.62 if I turn on my wife's seat heat the glove box opens. When she gets a text the radio turns on. Great ride, and now some laughs. Thanks Casper.
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    Successful UX 3.0 and we become a dual Lucid household

    My Pure has never failed me.
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    2.6.2 Software Update

    Since 2.6.2 my steering wheel heat isn't automatically on. Adds 3 seconds to my setup.
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    It isn't just Lucid
  13. L

    Battery drain 5% to 6% overnight

    Have you checked that you don't have 'keep' set in climate?
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    EA Megathread

    Good to know. I'm OCD about keeping charge in my battery. I guess I'll never get to experience really fast charging
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    Who'd a thunk it
  16. L

    Weighted Steering Wheel for (Mostly) Self Driving?

    I get 'old white guy's dispensation. I've been told: 'That Stop sign is hard to see' 'electric cars are too quiet, you should check the speedometer occasionally.' etc. I like not getting a ticket, but the privilege based on my birth annoys me. 75% of the people I see pulled over are men of...
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    Set adaptive cruise control to current speed Used it for the first time. Kept me from going too fast, but definitely had to pay attention. I'm propelling 5000 pounds at 65 mph. You can be sure I am going to be paying attention
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    EA Megathread

    I wanted to top off my Pure for a fairly long drive in sub freezing weather so I headed for an EA charger on Albany NY. It was easy to find and empty. I went for the Hyper speed 350v charger. I never got over 108. Went from 48% to 80% in about 20 minutes. Not terrible but I'm wondering why I...
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    OTA Update 2.6.0

    Is the app waiting for AA? Is AA waiting for the App? Or are they independent projects? Thanks. (Any answer is fine, just curious)
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    EA Megathread

    Anyone know what the below dates mean? Field 9, ea_subscription: <br> &lt;class 'vehicle_state_service_pb2.ChargingSubscription'&gt;:<br> Field 1, name: EA<br> Field 2, expiration_date: 1814368390<br> Field 3, start_date: 1719760390<br> Field 4, status...