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  1. kae02

    Next update?

    Thanks... good to know.
  2. kae02

    Damn Lucid! My efficiency just …

    Yes exactly, my point as well. + concern about range for long distance road trips.
  3. kae02

    Next update?

    I just hope that this are your "personal" thoughts and Lucid not trying to backchannel this expectation via mods of this forum. It would be good to have an official response from Lucid (@mcr16 ?) if consumers can expect more features from Air after Gravity launch? If expecting more features is a...
  4. kae02

    Damn Lucid! My efficiency just …

    What year and model do you have? - 2023 Air Touring Do you preheat your car? - Sometimes not always Do you accelerate quickly or slowly? Nah! I have two small kiddos on car seats most of the time.
  5. kae02

    Damn Lucid! My efficiency just …

    I live around KOP area too. Below is the efficiency of my car. Seeing yours make me to believe something is definitely wrong with my car. I do mix of city/highway and have been very generous is acceleration. Anyone else with similar efficiency in north east region with similar weather conditions?
  6. kae02

    Tired of lack of Android support

    I use android while my wife has iphone. I checked the new app today, its good, sleek design but I won't fuss much if I don't get same UI experience in my android. In day to day driving, it won't add much value to me. So I dont care if they keep same app design for Android. However I really wish...
  7. kae02

    Collision Repair Troubles

    Progressive has been great for me in PA. My car's front bumper was damaged in a collision. It didn't look that bad from outside however a body shop in philly suburb by name Karosserie billed astonishing $45k to Progressive. They paid all without much fuss. Progressive rep even called or texted...
  8. kae02

    UX 2.5 OTA Update

    Anyone experiencing aggressive braking in HA? It used to be very subtle earlier where car will gradually brake unless car infront suddenly brakes. But now it's so aggressive even in smooth traffic that I fear being rear ended.
  9. kae02

    Drive System Fault Megathread

    Just out of curiosity, how to force the car to go deep sleep? Does exiting and locking it from key fob is sufficient to put in deep sleep or is there a time component too for which we need to wait for certain time period for deep sleep?
  10. kae02

    Got hit today :/

    +100 I found Karroserie to be fraud and disrespectful.
  11. kae02

    What is a reasonable winter range expectation for my new Touring?

    Can you share your wheel size and do you have aero covers on or off? Just curious. I only get 3.1 in summer on 20 inch without aero covers. In winter it drops to 2.9
  12. kae02

    2.4.0 / 2.4.2 / 2.4.3 / 2.4.4 OTA

    I think it will Lucid if they can adopt a product feature request and voting mechanism. Many software companies do that. Like how Microsoft does it for their Power BI. Something similar to this where customers can create ideas, other customers can vote and...
  13. kae02

    2.4.0 / 2.4.2 / 2.4.3 / 2.4.4 OTA

    Thanks. Yesterday it worked for me on my way from PA to NJ. LCA is awesome. I think Lucid has taken multiple steps forward in right direction with this new update. Congratulations to their Development and Product teams for a great job! Today on my way back, LCA didn't work at all. It was...
  14. kae02

    2.4.0 / 2.4.2 / 2.4.3 / 2.4.4 OTA

    I think its a valid ask or more of a wish. Everyone's driving habit and driving scenarios are different. A simple wish is to provide ability to customize.
  15. kae02

    2.4.0 / 2.4.2 / 2.4.3 / 2.4.4 OTA

    Is Lane change assist not working a known bug after this .4 update or shall I notify customer service. I also noticed if I am playing music via android phone bluetooth and using in built car navigation, each time it gives a direction, music stops and doesn't resume.
  16. kae02

    2.4.0 / 2.4.2 / 2.4.3 / 2.4.4 OTA

    Wohooooo... eagerly waiting for an update. Will soon be travelling from Boston to Philly. Can't wait to try these on highway for extended period.
  17. kae02

    Over-the-Air Preview Event

    This is really great to know that Lucid is giving an opportunity to speak directly to product team and also a great opportunity for product team to get direct feedback from customers. Although I got too excited for a second by thinking the event is in Newark, NJ.
  18. kae02

    Collision. Bumper, left fender and AC compressor damage. Got $29k quote from Bed-red Auto in Bellevue.

    It's Karosserie... they are very rude and poor quality body shop. I would highly recommend everyone in Philly or nearby areas to stay away from this shop.
  19. kae02

    Collision. Bumper, left fender and AC compressor damage. Got $29k quote from Bed-red Auto in Bellevue.

    If you are referring to a body shop named Karosserie ( in main line, I would recommend that you stay away from it instead try other body shops in nearby NJ, some have good reviews. Guys at Karosserie are very rude, workmanship quality is very very poor, charges excessively...
  20. kae02

    Fans running after wake up + losing battery %

    I know. But I do like the feature so the mentioned workaround is what I prefer to use the feature yet preserve battery drain. May be OP may want to try this.