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  1. R

    Hello From Highland Park, IL (Chicago)

    I'm seeing more of them lately! White, Silver, Gold, Black, and someone has one just like my Zenith Red, too. Rob Northbrook
  2. R

    Building my own winter tire/wheel set

    Do I like them better than my 21's? But I think they look pretty good, the car drives well on the snow and ice we have right now, which is all that really counts, imo.
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    Building my own winter tire/wheel set

    When I picked out my tire/wheel package for the winter tires, I paid attention to the total diameter of the winter tires; they were within 1/4" of the 21" summer performance tires on my car. Because as you are hinting, changing the circumference substantially would require re-calibrating the...
  4. R

    Building my own winter tire/wheel set

    Yes, they work perfectly.
  5. R

    Building my own winter tire/wheel set

    No, I just had them ship the mounted and balanced sets to my house. My brother-in-law and I put them on, two days before the appointment with Lucid. As Borski mentioned, for now, Lucid has to do the sync with the car, because the procedure is not (yet, I hope?) fully fleshed out in the in-car...
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    Building my own winter tire/wheel set

    I got this package from tirerack: The Chicago Goose-Island Lucid facility had to do the TPMS synching up for me.
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    Snow tires for ski season

    I ordered this setup from the they mounted and balanced the tires and installed the TPMS, I needed to have Lucid sync the TPMS sensors up with the car. Since I had some outstanding service bulletins, Lucid did that for me, no charge while they checked the other stuff out.
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    Wheel specs

    Did you get some winter tires/wheels, yet? The 21" Pirelli summer performance wheels basically say they should not be driven below 45 degrees F...
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    Timezone quirks?

    I was driving in Springfield, IL and the time was wrong by one hour. It stopped being wrong as I traveled up I-55 back to Chicagoland... Has anyone else seen problems with their Air not displaying the correct time (timezone)?
  10. R

    Returning navigation to "focus"?

    Anyone have any tips or observations about "how" to get navigation back onto the lower screen, if you've used another part of the UI? I had a situation where the Navigation was on the upper screen, but I could not seem to get the larger, lower screen to display navigation.
  11. R

    Any other Chicago area owners (or owners to be)?

    I'm in Northbrook, I have yet to see a Lucid other than my own, and I've been driving around since late March. (Mine is Zenith Red.)