Search results

  1. Blue Lectroid

    Raging BUY at $2.26?

    Last week LCID was north of $3.50. This morning it’s $2.26. Full disclosure, I’ve been putting together a decent sized position since last November with an average price per share of $2.47. I bought more last week at $3.17 and bought a LOT MORE yesterday at $2.25. The long term thesis for...
  2. Blue Lectroid

    Dream Drive 2????

    Morning! I was poking around on the Gravity Configurator last night and noticed that Dream Drive on the Gravity configurator is being called “Dream Drive 2.” That is the first I saw this new terminology. Anybody know why they renamed it? Will the Air get DD2?
  3. Blue Lectroid

    January 2025 Sales Estimates (Include FIFTY Gravities!!)

    Just saw this posted online... "The company sold 665 vehicles in January, down from a record 780 in December, according to Motor Intelligence estimates released last week. Year over year, Lucid’s U.S. sales rose 51%, with an estimated 615 Air sedans and 50 Gravity SUVs registered last month."...
  4. Blue Lectroid

    Lucid Charging 2/5/25 Required Action!

    Hi all, I know a lot has been posted in other spots about the recent communication from Lucid about changes to charging fees / idle fees on 2/5/25. I THOUGHT I was fine and did not need to do anything as I already went online and verified that I had a valid credit card in my Lucid Wallet...
  5. Blue Lectroid

    iOS 2.10 is in the App Store

    Apple just dropped Lucid Mobile 2.10 for iOS yesterday. I had to do the manual pull down refresh to get my phone to see it, but is is there and I’ve downloaded and installed it. I cannot clearly see anything different in the new version’s functionality.
  6. Blue Lectroid

    Just Another Perfect Day in The World’s Best Damn Car

    120 miles today. Combination of highway / around town (70/30), temps between 36 and 46. Everything in the car worked perfectly (mobile key, HA, SSP, etc.) Averaged 3.98 mi/kWh. Car drives like an absolute dream. Finished the day at the local $11 hand car wash to get rid of the road salt...
  7. Blue Lectroid

    2024 Total Deliveries Announced

    These look good…
  8. Blue Lectroid

    SOLD AS NEW Lucid 2025 Grand Touring OEM All Weather Mats - Graphite AND Ceramic

    As per Lucid... "Custom made for your Lucid Air from thick TPE - a durable rubber-like material - these mats stand up to the elements season after season. Each mat is designed just for Lucid Air and features raised edges, non-slip surfaces, and is completely waterproof. Interior set includes...
  9. Blue Lectroid

    Has the Improved Efficiency of the 2025 Airs Been Quantified?

    We all know by now that 2025 was a "mid-cycle" refresh of sorts for Air, at least for the GT and I believe Touring and Pure as well. We got a number of refined and / or new systems within the cars (heat pumps, improved thermal management, changes to battery management, etc.) to improve overall...
  10. Blue Lectroid

    How Often Will the Air Top Up its Charge?

    I have always kept my electric cars plugged in while in my garage. I am running a Tesla Wall Charger with a Tesla Tap adapter on a 60 Amp Circuit (delivering 48 Amps). I have notice that my AGT even when left plugged in does not seem to automatically top off its charge the way my Tesla Model...
  11. Blue Lectroid

    Tuxmat Help Needed

    Hi there! I just received Tuxmats for my Air GT. Beginning in 2024, Lucid starting using mat fasteners (the male part on the floor of the car and female part on the mats). Tuxmat does not offer 2025 model year mats for the Air GT, but does for 2024. I assumed that even though I have a 2025...
  12. Blue Lectroid

    Are We Asking the Wrong Question About Charging?

    I am relatively new to the Forum, so please forgive me if this has been pointed out / discussed before. I have seen a number of threads where owners discuss being disappointed with speed with which their Airs DC fast charge from one percentage to another (e.g. 20% SOC to 80% SOC). In many of...
  13. Blue Lectroid

    Best Damn Car AND Best Damn Car Buying Experience. Ever.

    As I have written about in other threads, I am the proud new owner of a new 2025 Air GT. I must say that I approached this purchase with some anxiety almost entirely based on reading posts in this Forum as there are so many threads about a gazillion different issues with Lucid Airs and the...
  14. Blue Lectroid

    Lease Deals are INSANELY GREAT

    Morning. Just a quick note to anyone “on the fence” about jumping into an Air right now…the Lease Deals are insane. I usually purchase my cars outright and keep them for 6-9 years. However, between the $7500 EV Credit only available on leases, the Lucid Air Credits in place right now ($5k...
  15. Blue Lectroid

    Peter Speaking on Bloomberg This AM 12/12

    Lots of goodies about Gravity orders, roll out business strategy, etc.!!
  16. Blue Lectroid

    Why are Insiders Selling?

    After two great back to back days for LCID, yesterday the shares hit a brick wall. At first I thought it was just a bit of profit taking after a 2-day, 20%+ rally. Unfortunately, Lucid announced some share sales that took place on 12/5 at $2.10 by some very important folks… Eric Bach - 100k...
  17. Blue Lectroid

    Excellent Online Store Experience

    This morning at around 1:30am EST (a night of excitement / insomnia after ordering a 2025 Air GT yesterday) I ordered all weather mats for the cabin, frunk and trunk from the Lucid Inline store. I was rather worried as folks in the Forum here seem to have very little positive to say about it...
  18. Blue Lectroid

    Why is No One Talking About All of the Improvements to the 2025 GT?!?

    WHY ARE WE NOT TALKING ABOUT THIS MORE???? I have posted in several other threads on the Forum about my recent journey from driving a 2018 Tesla Model 3 Performance for the past six years to ordering Lucid Air Grand Touring (including this thread) and rather remarkably, I only learned of some...
  19. Blue Lectroid

    Switched My Order Today from a Pure to a Grand Touring

    I am actually shocked by today's turn of events. Back on 11/6/24 I test drove the Pure and the Touring at the Short Hills, NJ Studio. I significantly preferred the driving feel and handling of the Pure to the Touring. And whenever you can spend less money on a car and like it more? Well...
  20. Blue Lectroid

    Test Drive this Wednesday (11/6)

    Hi there! Excited to be test driving the AP and AT this Wednesday. Looking at possibly replacing my 2018 Tesla Model 3P with one of these. I’ve never even been in a Lucid before, but I do have a long history of owning some exceptional ICE automobiles in the past and started my EV journey with...