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  1. K

    Parallel (Grey) Import

    Greeting, While waiting for my Air GT order which can take many months, there are some 2022 GT for sell imported from US to UAE. I have imported a few US ICE cars into UAE and generally the map data base doesn't work here. Has anyone done Air grey import? what is your experience, I would...
  2. K

    2025 Air Touring or should I go up to GT?

    I am about to pull trigger to order a Touring. However, when it comes to seat option I am kinda stuck. After trying several seat configurations, I felt the adjustable bolster (side support for lower back) really elevates the sense of sportiness, with Touring the 20 way seat only comes with...
  3. K

    Air music audio balance observation

    My observation of Air sound system (Please use headphone when watching the video as cellphone speaker does not have enough bass) - Touring with 2.4.4 - SSPro all equalizer set in the middle. - Tidal Observation: When balance is swiped to the back, front speakers got turned off resulting in...