If you call customer support and tell them you've been waiting they can patch you through to either Chris or Richard in Millbrae. Or if you call Lucid Millbrae directly you can get a hold of them. Morning before the rush may work better. They just hired more technicians but not service advisors...
I have so many water bottles at home, I don't wear hats, and I already have reusable shopping bags. I just want to drive the car. I'm okay with no swag. People getting flown out for their cars is kind of unheard of. Back when the German manufacturers had car pickups in factory you had to buy...
I had the same fears but I took delivery last month and haven't been happier. I've never gotten as many compliments or questions about a car as this one.
Service team is doing their best. I imagine they are moving more cars, meaning more owners, and the staff hasn't grown to match. Let's hope Lucid knocks it out of the park this year so they can scale more.
Link: https://www.detroitnews.com/story/business/autos/2023/03/29/review-2023-lucid-air-soars-past-the-luxury-ev-market/70046480007/
Non-Paywall: https://archive.ph/QuxnJ
More extremely positive reviews. Hopefully leads to more sales.
Anyone have the problem of the car not detecting the key fob for several seconds even if you're standing right next to the car? I cant get the car to open with the key fob 10 feet away clicking madly on the key fob.
I think it's coming in the same update with the Apple announcement. It's just that they didn't really publicize the Android auto portion of it.
Mainly highway 80% of the commute and during rush hour. Open stretches around 75 mph. Otherwise stop and go when congested near work. Some elevation change, yes. Not all flat.
Tire pressure is 43 psi on all tires which I think is normal for 20 inch tires.
Today it was 57 degrees and I got 3.4...
I have a Touring with 20 in tires. I am now getting 2.5-2.7 mi/kWh. For a daily 80 mi round trip commute I lose 30% SOC from 80% to 50%. By the time I drive to work on that 3rd leg I'm down to 45% the next day and need to charge again.
It's been averaging 45-47 degrees F. Not sure if this is...