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  1. sansonoma

    Range Performance SF to LA

    Good info. We left PA with 98% and arrived at North Shore with 23%. Much better than my Model S.
  2. sansonoma

    Range Performance SF to LA

    I agree. That is my only worry. I love the Lucid in every way compared to my old Model S. But I worry that there might be a one or two-hour delay waiting for a top-up as I travel to LA as you say, and I cannot be late for my lecture. So, only because of EA, there is a bit of battery anxiety that...
  3. sansonoma

    Range Performance SF to LA

    Thanks for the alert...going north shore. Hope its better there. I can charge with a 240v at our place.
  4. sansonoma

    Range Performance SF to LA

    This EA experience sounds awful. And seems to me that EA is the only - alas important - weak link in the Lucid experience. I have found that timing my trip so that I arrive at an EA installation in the morning is helpful. At Lost Hills, only two chargers worked reflecting your experience, but...
  5. sansonoma

    Range Performance SF to LA

    Thanks for this advice. Gonna implement those suggestions. Alas, I live in CA, and I don't think there is much here that is "not too hilly a surface." I will drive to my place in Lake Tahoe tomorrow. That is almost all uphill, from sea level to 7000 ft. Then later, will drive home and be on...
  6. sansonoma

    Range Performance SF to LA

    If 60 mph..that makes more sense. Thanks
  7. sansonoma

    Range Performance SF to LA

    Thanks and hmmm. I have the same settings and speed with 19" wheels, I get around 3.0 - 3.1
  8. sansonoma

    Range Performance SF to LA

    It was 10 AM, I was the only Lucid. There were 8 physical stations, only two were working, both "in-use." I had to wait for a car to leave before I could charge up.
  9. sansonoma

    Range Performance SF to LA

    It was 10 AM, I was the only Lucid. There were 8 physical stations, only two were working, both "in-use." I had to wait for a car to leave before I could charge up.
  10. sansonoma

    SURVEY: Stated Range When Charged to 100%

    1. Type of car - Grand Touring 2. Tire size 19" 3. Current mileage - 690 4. Stated range when your car is charged to 100%. - 516
  11. sansonoma

    Range Performance SF to LA

    I have an AGT with 19" wheels and have never seen anything over 3.3. Could you let me know the conditions to get 3.8 or 4? Thanks
  12. sansonoma

    Range Performance SF to LA

    I was on I-5....the wind must've affected me. I only got 2.9 and was doing 70 mph...
  13. sansonoma

    Range Performance SF to LA

    Snow was above 4000 ft over the grapevine. Given its intensity and location, it was undoubtedly due to orographic lifting as the northerly winds pushed moist air up the slope.
  14. sansonoma

    Range Performance SF to LA

    Today, return trip, LA to Palo Alto. This time the effect of the wind - as hypothesized in some posts above - was confirmed. On the way to LA two days ago, I had 20 miles to spare. This time with a stiff wind on the nose, I'd have been 30 miles short - if I hadn't topped up in Bakersfield...
  15. sansonoma

    Range Performance SF to LA

    That site is very good. Predicts my experience well. I plunked down the 5 pounds for the premium.
  16. sansonoma

    Range Performance SF to LA

    Lucid is not dissappointing me. I love the car - it si superior to any other car I've ever owned - and its range is far better than my Model S. I am just curious about how the differences manifest themselves. So, I am fascinated by the discussion, found it very useful and helpful and glad others...
  17. sansonoma

    Range Performance SF to LA

    Let me know if that happens
  18. sansonoma

    Range Performance SF to LA

    Yes, I do LOVE the car. I have 19". Again, it's fine as is, and I just love the car. Was hoping that I could make the Stanford to UCLA commute in one "go", however. And, in a sense, I could. Just 20 miles to go is uncomfortable. Truly, it's the best car I've ever owned and I am comparing it...
  19. sansonoma

    Range Performance SF to LA

    Gonna check that out now. Thanks for the tip.
  20. sansonoma

    Range Performance SF to LA

    Will check that. I'm a pilot, and "fuel" calculations are a bit easier in my plane. :-)